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I Saw the Movie Aladdin

I saw the new movie and loathed loving it so much I wrote a poem.

Any resemblance to persons or interactions real or imagined are coincidental.


Can’t you see?
You’ve rattled my cage with your kindness
Don’t you know?
I was becoming content with my blindness

Don’t talk to me of love and stuff
Don’t open locked door of never enough!

Can’t you see?
It is not mine to believe in
Not love, nor beauty, nor truth
So please stop sewing seeds of sweet make-believing

Don’t talk to me of love and more
My prison is self chosen and holds no door

Can’t you see?
I’m pacing my boards with raised heartbeat
Don’t you know?
That you will watch me die the moment I submit defeat

So please hush now with the ache of your words
Don’t stir my bones with poetry unheard

Won’t you believe me?
Don’t you know it is true?
My heart was burned to black
Not man-made into blue

But never stop whispering into the ashes
Until I am risen and worthy with the dawn of the passes

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sounds like beauty and the beast. loved that movie. sounds like a movie that made you feel like what if this happened. having emotions that you are trying to suppress or believing that will never happen. you either dwell on the negative and think there is no positive. you never know with life its a funny thing, love will hit you when you think itll never happen.
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Nope just young and vulnerable @winchesterbros
yeah people change as they get older. hope you guys either can find romance again or is there anyway of looking for someone else if there is no love left?
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Oh he doesn’t believe I’m fairytales either...@winchesterbros
Casheyane · 31-35, F
So you hate it because it stirs hope in you and makes you want love?
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@MayaHope Message me if you need a friend. You seem fun :)
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Aww thanks, what I need right now is to get on with my work! Thanks for sprinkling some rosiness 😌@Casheyane
Casheyane · 31-35, F
I love this post!
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Thanks. Fairytales make me want to run away...@SW-User
@MayaHope Me too. Your poem was very resonating to me.

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