You just described Kevin Hart and I love him so... ;)

I know how you feel . I get shocked when someone says in attractive too :P
myobokujiraiya10 · 26-30, M
Maybe we just underestimate ourselves.

Bud, you can get all those girls who secretly want Gandi...

theres nothing wrong with being black, your perfect ths way you are~! dont let yourself believe otherwise!!

what everyone else said! you're sexy! don't be so hard on yourself!
myobokujiraiya10 · 26-30, M
Ok now you're just being sweet and generous. But thank you :)

I don't bullshit
myobokujiraiya10 · 26-30, M
I appreciate your honesty, really. It's not everyday I get a compliment like that.

Dude ur wrong. Most women don't usually put looks first. You would
be so surprised at what a little confidence and being genuine can do. All that macho-muscle-not a hair out of place-gallon of cheap cologne-crap is usually a
turn off to them.
And a sense of humor goes a long way too. Like really far lol 😆😆
Dont sell urself short - pun totally intended 😆
be so surprised at what a little confidence and being genuine can do. All that macho-muscle-not a hair out of place-gallon of cheap cologne-crap is usually a
turn off to them.
And a sense of humor goes a long way too. Like really far lol 😆😆
Dont sell urself short - pun totally intended 😆

Its funny because the exact same rule applies with women. A perfect looking one turns into a 2 if shes a cocky stuck up girl. But an average looking girl suddenly turns "i gotta have that right now" hot with a confident, funny, even a little sassy attitude.
Looks arent everything...
Looks arent everything...

I like nerds

See? There ya go...
myobokujiraiya10 · 26-30, M
Well, I guess you have a point there.

Aw dude not so hard on yourself, nerdy is sexy, especially after a certain age, black is beautiful and who doesn't love a good sense of humor and intellect to go with it.

Nerds are bosses. Black is beautiful. And tall is overrated. So what's the problem here?