Keithycat · 31-35, M
I like how cute the phrase is. It's a babyish way of talking and it's cute. I sometime say I went potty in my pants when I have an accident.
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thisguy20 · 41-45, M
linguistic correctness aside, it it does have a great sound to it
ThatDLguy · 36-40
I think the term it self became misused. I meant i know potty training is literally traing thre kid touse the toilet. So probly a couple of kids decided to call the act of peeing and pooping pottying. My thoughts at least.
SoggyShorts · 51-55, M
@ThatDLguy Yeah, I know. It was really just kind of an intellectual musing about the way we use words.
Wetone · 70-79, M
I call it peeing or wetting my pants
thisguy20 · 41-45, M
"Pottying" sounds cute and is more fun to say than "pee" or "poop"
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SoggyShorts · 51-55, M
@dunpender I really don't get why you follow us around.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
You need to grow up , stop being lazy