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I Think Times Of Trial Are Meant To Be Moments Of Growth

Man will not remain a static creature. He must go forward – or degenerate. But his forward movement is an enduring one whereas his backward movement is only a temporary one.

It needs remembering that the evils and pains of life have only a passing existence and are relative to the good and joys of life. Their own existence is in the end controlled by the divine laws and used for the divinely based universal outworking. Such complementaries and relativities follow by necessity as soon as this outworking itself begins afresh with every renewed cosmic period. How could any universe come into existence without both good and evil, light and darkness, joy and sorrow, coming with it? Such duality is the unescapable and tragic side of its manifestation. The existence of one opposite is a necessary consequence of the existence of the other. Those who ask for a painless world do not comprehend that they are also asking for a joyless one. The ebb and flow between opposites of joy and anguish, possession and loss, gives man a sense of values which he could not gain to such a vivid degree any other way. Experience of one kind provides a needed balance for the experience of its contrary. This helps him form a just estimate of bodily life and earthly values, a truer perception of its transiency, and thus brings him closer to the consciousness of the spiritual life.

There is no coming to consciousness without pain.............CG Jung

The Swiss psychiatrist CG Jung went through depression for 13 years before coming through the other side stronger and wiser able to pen words of wisdom that resonate and bring hope.
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Peaches · F
Yes, how can we truly appreciate joy without knowing sorrow. 💫Great post❣🌸

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