Looking on into an ocean infinite blue. He told me he would return, the last words he said to me were, “I love you.” He didn’t tell me when he’d be back, maybe he’ll be back in a couple of hours. It turned dark and I could see the lights from the lighthouse towers. I spent the night in the wharf, next to the boats. While I waited I wrote my feelings for him in notes. I wanted to go change clothes, but what if he came back while I was gone? No, I’ll wait here, in the wharf of San Blas, it’s almost dawn. People are looking at me, they don’t ask any questions, they just point at me. Where do they want me to be? They don’t understand, I have to keep my promise, I told him I’d wait right here. I know he’s near. Time? What is time? Minutes, hours, seconds, it’s all made up, maybe what is a long time for me is nothing for him. I’ll start fishing for food here next to the rim. I hear people calling me “crazy” and other mean things, why do they say those words? At least he will come back soon, we are inseparable like lovebirds. Oh no, some people are coming towards me, I will fight if they make me leave. I put up a fight and the officer said, “Leave that crazy lady there, she’s harmless, just our pet peeve.” My hair has changed to a different color, it’s the same color as the moon I see every night. I can’t wait to see his reassuring smile, and his warm eyes I always got lost in, he’ll be back tomorrow, tomorrow, that’s right.