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I Hate It When People Misspell My Name

[big][big][big][big][big]My name is Jessa NOT Jenna[/big][/big][/big][/big][/big]
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SoulAsylum · 36-40, M
Calm down Jasmine :D
Jessa29 · 36-40, FMod
@JaggedLittlePill I'm really not trying to be rude I'm just saying that Jenna is not name it's no where near my name and it's really annoying to be continually called something that your not.
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agreatday · 61-69, M
wow. chill out. everybody makes mistakes.
Serenitree · F
My name is Eva Joan. I have had mail from people who have my correct name on a form that I filled out personally, so I know it was spelled properly, yet it comes addressed to Ava Jone

And as I was writing this, spell check changed Eva to Vera.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
I just shorten your name to pink. ;)
Agreed. My first name is pronounced Sarah, but most think it's Siri. Teehee!
my first name gets mispronounced a lot too.. :-)
agreatday · 61-69, M
fungirl, i'm sure that's what happened with me. spellcheck.
Serenitree · F
Fungirl it happened to me too, but I have discovered that if YOU correct spell check or autocorrect three times (all at the same attempt to correct your spelling,) it becomes part of its vocabulary and won't make it wrong again.
Jessa29 · 36-40, FMod
@CereBellum O cool.

@Everyone I will delete your comment if you call me Jenna.
I work with mostly english speaking customers and I'm often called Shantel or Chantel. . Which is not my name...close but not it.. I'm used to it
adhane05 · 31-35, M
Many people have called me by my brother's name, instead of my name. It doesn't bother me a bit. Even my parents have called me Andy instead of Adam. Lol
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
I really think that is caused by spell check because every time I type jessa spell check makes it Jesse then Jenna
agreatday · 61-69, M
oh hush up, purple.

i mean pink.
Jessa29 · 36-40, FMod
@Agreatday This isn't towards you it's to everyone :).

@MalteseFalconPunch Nope my real name is Jessica
I know how you feel Jessa. People always spell my name wrong.. even though it's still the same name regardless it drives me nuts.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
I even have Jessa as a contact in my phone and it still does it. :)
It might just be a typo.. I saw some other girl on here named Jenna o.O
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
I made that mistake once, and I apologized for it.
LOL fungirl.. I don't mind that lol.
Jessa29 · 36-40, FMod
@MalteseFalconPunch It's ok.
aprilmay · 22-25, F
I promise not to
agreatday I meant my real name lol.
agreatday · 61-69, M
Jessa29 · 36-40, FMod
@Fungirlmmm I'm not sure but it's super annoying.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I have an Italian last name that gets mangled on a daily basis, so I feel some of your pain.
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JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
You do realize that my comment was a joke and meant as sarcasm ...right? ..Obviously not since you deleted it. I think it is annoying, and I get that..but I don't see why it needs to be such a big deal that you then become rude.

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