I Believe In You
Do you believe in you? :)
Believing In Ourselves
Positive self-esteem is a basic human need. It is essential to normal, healthy development. If you lack positive self-esteem, your psychological growth will be stunted.
Positive self-esteem operates as the immune system of consciousness, providing resistance, strength and a capacity for regeneration. When our self-esteem is low, our resilience when facing life's problems is diminished.
Example: To contemporary women - who are shedding their traditional gender roles, fighting for emotional and intellectual autonomy, starting their own businesses, invading one formerly male bastion after another and challenging age-old prejudices - self-esteem is indispensable. It is not all that is needed for success, but without it the battle cannot be won.
A common trap: When self-esteem is low, negatives have much more power over us than positives. We are motivated more by the desire to avoid pain than to experience joy. But if we do not believe in our-selves - in our efficacy or in our goodness and lovability - the universe is a frightening place.
Believing In Ourselves
Positive self-esteem is a basic human need. It is essential to normal, healthy development. If you lack positive self-esteem, your psychological growth will be stunted.
Positive self-esteem operates as the immune system of consciousness, providing resistance, strength and a capacity for regeneration. When our self-esteem is low, our resilience when facing life's problems is diminished.
Example: To contemporary women - who are shedding their traditional gender roles, fighting for emotional and intellectual autonomy, starting their own businesses, invading one formerly male bastion after another and challenging age-old prejudices - self-esteem is indispensable. It is not all that is needed for success, but without it the battle cannot be won.
A common trap: When self-esteem is low, negatives have much more power over us than positives. We are motivated more by the desire to avoid pain than to experience joy. But if we do not believe in our-selves - in our efficacy or in our goodness and lovability - the universe is a frightening place.