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I Hate One Word Replies

I hate one word replies especially when you have just sent a paragraph or two to try to open up the conversation. Does anybody else recognise this as having happened to them also?
Singland · M
Thanks for all the replies. Does anybody use other social media platforms and does the same happen there?
KillerNightWolf · 22-25, F
@Singland I use face book and this does happen all the time where people will responde in a few words or one
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
Yes I find it very difficult to maintain the conversation. I usually end it at that point
Singland · M
Well at least we now know we are not the only ones!
KillerNightWolf · 22-25, F
oof all the time
TAReturns · M
Constantly :p
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F

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