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I Am Trying to Change My Outlook On Life

Why do I feel so different from everyone else. As in unworthy. Inferior. Oh Lord I've been brought up to believe it and kids at school rubbed it in. Would you believe after reading some of my stories that my trust switched from humanity to Christ? Well, it is in him! I've had a very negative outlook towards people and the way they have always made me feel. People were born to smite you in the heart. Why do people make it so so hard to love them. Doesn't matter where you go, they are always in the right and I'm always in the wrong, and the bad one. Condescending, abusive, judgmental and extremely prideful. It is all I've known. I get treated like dirt from Millennials and baby boomers alike. Even genx, my own generation. For years I just took it in. But through the later years I started spewing back. I try to avoid people, and being close or getting attached to anyone. So yes, I did what most here will call placing my faith in a fairytale. I trust Jesus and believe in him. I sure the hell can't live without him.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
That is awesome
And there is a reason you don't fit in
You are not of this world and you are just passing through
Glad to hear that you are seeing that .
He is no fairy tale
Fairy tales don't heal spines like they never had a disease
Fairy tales don't send people to save you (not as preach to you but literally stop you from killing yourself )
Fairy tales can take away pain as you watch you brother die from a gun shot wound to the head and you question "Why did He save me and no him "?
You have been equipped for something that requires someone strong
who does not need others to approve ,you are used to going it alone .
Get into His word and study ,I suggest everything written by John to start with
Until you understand Paul spoke different things to different Church's and you can't mix the things he said to one church with things he said to another and make it fit ,,it will sound like he contradicts himself
You have to know who he was talking to ,and why he said the things he said to them .
John was a disciple ,an Apostle and a Prophet ,,he can get you on the right path
Oh and welcome to the family
And am sure the Father is pleased
Wiseacre · F
Ur feelings of unworthiness stem from ur upbringing...this can be changed...I don't recommend avoiding ppl.. it's an unhealthy way to live...believing in Jesus does not replace social contact.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Wiseacre I can tell you have never felt that comfort that transcends all understanding I mean no offense to say that

Christ can fix everything ,including fear of being around people
He has not given us a spirit of fear ,but of power and a sound mind

Sometimes time being at the masters feet is exactly what we need

There was a time I didn't get that either
Lay flat of your back unable to walk you start getting a lot of things others don't

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