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I Got The Cane In School 6 Of The Best

I was reminded earlier of a day trip to Dedham ("Constable Country") when I was in 4th year at school. I forget what it was for now. Anyway, as you might expect, our behaviour wasn't the best and we probably shouldn't have included alcohol in our picnic lunches. There was a bit of a queue outside the year heads'. office the next day. ;)
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Rebecca54 · 70-79, F
Bringing the school into disrepute was viewed very seriously and several girls in my year were caned for relatively minor misbehaviour on an educational trip to London. My best friend was one of them. I can't remember the exact detail but it was her first caning and she was very upset at the time
Sharon · F
@Vanman I wouldn't disagree with you. It had been banned (or wasn't used) in schools in most of Europe for years before the UK was finally forced to catch up.
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MartinII · 70-79, M
@Vanman All punishments of children are unpleasant and often unnecessary. And corporal punishment can certainly be abused, which may be a good reason for banning it. I was lucky to escape the cane. But personally, I preferred a spanking to detention or lines.
Lynda70 · F
Misbehaviour on school trip was treated more seriously than at school and all the punishments seemed to go up a level. What might earn a few whacks with the slipper at school, was more likely to result in a caning if on a school trip. That was made clear to me a few times.
Sharon · F
@Chroniclewriter Part of the fun of misbehaving is the risk. It I got caught I got the slipper or cane, it was all part of the game. I was fairly used to it. My parents knew about some of my canings but not all. It was no big secret, there just wasn't any point telling them.
Chroniclewriter · 70-79, M
Sharon, again a very honest reply although some might think the pain resulting from the 'fun of misbehaving' might not have been worth it. Especially the more timid pupil like I was, as I know from experience the cane did hurt, both across backside and on hands. I never told my parents. But you were obviously prepared mentally' I assume for the pain of up to 'six' very hard whacks for 'your fun'. And did you all compare the stripes together afterwards. I suppose some teacher beat harder than others; actually the slipper applied with force could be worse than the cane, and of course there were junior and senior canes. Were you aware of the different types. I assume your punishment were always over clothing.
Sharon · F
@Chroniclewriter At school we usually got slippered and caned though our knickers. In 6th form we were allowed to wear trousers and,were slipper or caned through them if we were, just like the boys. In the gym changing room we got slippered bare. We sometimes got it bare in the gym too. It was probably against the rules but, as many have said, teachers made rules, they didn't obey them.
Justme264 · 70-79, M
Oh dear... boys and girls?

I remember the French teacher shouting at me from the river bank at Flatford Mill whilst we almost sank the rowing boat 3 of us were in during a school trip to Dedham and Flatford Mill

I thought there would be repurcussions the next day too... I guess she forgot about it.....
Sharon · F
@Justme264 Slipperings were far more common than canings at school. I saw several slipperings every day and received at least one most weeks.
Justme264 · 70-79, M
@Sharon canings at my secondary school were administered behind closed doors .... so it was just the other punidhment that we witnesed.

In primary school it was the slipper only or a thumping from the headmaster
Sharon · F
@Justme264 At my secondary school canings were done in the headteachers' offices but groups caught misbehaving together were usually caned together too.

At primary school, although the cane was used it was very rare. We usually got the slipper.
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Sharon · F
@SW-User That was common at my school too although, in most cases, the teachers dealt with the matter themselves.
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barney1 · M
I played up on a school trip to the museum in London by cheeking the guide, my teacher made me apologise to her and in front of her told me I will be seeing the headmaster for the cane first thing tomorrow morning.
Rebecca54 · 70-79, F
@barney1 How many whacks?
barney1 · M
@Rebecca54 i got the traditional 6 of his best!! not the best start to a day i ever had!!
woody50 · 51-55, M
very naughty bet there was a few sore bums
Hi there Sharon, did you get caned often? Do message me privately if you fancy a chat anytime.
Sharon · F
@SW-User I got the cane several times but nothing like as often as I got the slipper.
You really must have been rather a naughty girl!
Sharon · F
@SW-User I suppose I was.

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