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I Hate People Hating Me

You're "normal" so you hate anyone that's not like you. People you don't understand are "bad".

You're afraid, so rather than grow up and face your fears you're intent on disappearing whatever triggers you.

And I trigger you.

Tolerance is beyond you.

We should be working together to make the world better instead of fighting over scraps that won't even matter in a 100 years.

There is enough for everyone and the mentality behind "they're taking our jobs, our money, whatever" is just wrong.

Did anyone actually see Terminator? Skynet?

You're worrying about the wrong things taking your jobs being stolen by immigrants...big corporations are figuring out how to make more by replacing people. Payroll expenses and employee benefits are just too much. Everyday we go along with it in the name of progress and innovation.

My values, my beliefs, none of them align with a culture that promotes a mindless, hungry greed. So I just do what I need to do to get me a slacker. Maybe I am in your eyes.


I can't wait until people are obsolete.
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Melpomene · 26-30, F
They are afraid.
Hairy · 51-55, T
@Melpomene I don't think it's normal for reasoning adults to be afraid of the unfamiliar to the point they attack and kill others because of their hate or fear. They're not really adults so much as children in grown bodies.

If I don't understand something I learn more about it. I don't kill it automatcally because it looks scary.

I'm not triggered so much as feeling very angry. Instead of feeding the troll who stirred my wrath, I ranted a little and called it a story.
Melpomene · 26-30, F
@Hairy Unfortunately, it is if they can't understand it. Not children in grown bodies, just a human. After all, the only thing that differentiates a child from an adult is experience, age and knowledge.
You do that. And that's good. But not everyone will do that. It's an instinct to be afraid of something that's unfamiliar. For example, one of the reasons people handshake is so you and the other party would show you don't have any weapons and are coming in peace. You don't shake hands with someone (potentially) having a knife or a gun, do you?
Hairy · 51-55, T
@Melpomene Actually, I see hand guns and knives attached to belts all the time where I live...and yeah I shake hands. Just recently a clerk at the local copy shop waiting on me...took his gun off and laid it on his desk before he sat down.

We're not technically in the dark ages anymore, I guess some people are stuck there.

You are correct about experience, age and knowledge to some extent having a impact on fear but what I see happening is some humans forming their world view before they leave high school and never updating it.
I hate greedy corporations. They’re no worse than people who receiving side but contributes very little.

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