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I Value My Solitude

We understand the value of something, only after we go through its opposite..

The day turns into night,
hecticness turns into quietness,
lots of people around..turns into solitude..
running around here and there..turns into sitting silently..
Just the fan whirling,
just the clock ticking,
just the crickets chirping,
and an occasional vehicle passing,
and rest is all silence...
So serene, so still..

I'm told to go off to sleep,
but how can i?
when the whole night is so alive
with this quietness..
when i feel so alive with the night
with this quietness..

Solitude, the night and quietness..
And the day with all its hecticness seems to have melted..
I don't remember anything of the day,
except this quietness now..

Very nice words. :) I would like to add, in accordance with the first verse, the value of company. I value my solitude a great amount, and I'm often bothered when people are around. But I'm thankful every day that they are! :)
ethereal · F
Yes, i value solitude a lot..and too much solitude shows the value of having good supportive people around. I'm thankful for them too. :) Thank you for reminding. ^^
Yes, everything is seen relative to other

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