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Is it possible to date your exs cousin ?

I know you must be thinking why do I want to do that ? Well first of all she’s beautiful lol and her personality is also a lot better than my exs . But I think she might refuse to go out with me just because I’m her cousins ex
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Does she even like you, she has a say in all this
@Taintedwisdom yeah.... This sounds sooooo possible 😅😂😂😂
Taintedwisdom · 26-30, M
@SW-User I know what she’s like tho lol she likes guys that got money and nice cars but they also have to have decent personality and Iv got that stuff lol it’s just a matter of trying to talk to her .
@Taintedwisdom OK, well go for it
wouldn't it be about factors not mentioned here?

hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
It is much easier to date your ex's cousin than to date your ex cousin.
It's not possible.
It’s not impossible, obviously, but speaking for myself I would never knowingly get involved with someone who dated a family member of mine. Regardless of how things ended with your ex, there’s no surer way for conflict to develop than to date a relative’s or friend’s former partner and if she’s smart she won’t do it.
@bijouxbroussard I agree, dating family members exes seems a bit icky
Atlotto · M
Yes. Go for it.
No. It's impossible. Can't happen. Absolute physical impossibility.
Taintedwisdom · 26-30, M
Lol I’m sure plenty of people have done things like this lol@SW-User

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