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I Have Given Up On Life

I dont know what the point is anymore, Ive had enough and dont want to do this anymore. Life is shit. It doesnt get better, it hasnt got better and it wont get better so why should i carry on?
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coolboy86, correction its "too young to give up" not "too young to have problems"
get it?
well you aint first on that, neither will you be last. youre too young to despair. many people have made it outta where you are(though idk exactly what it is) and so many from way worse than you. theres no reason why u should give up on anything, use the priviledges, gifts and talents that you have to better your life
lucky there arent as many people who think like you
if there were we would still be living thee way people lived milleniums ago
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
more people saying your too young to have problems don't give anyone advice ok
bcvegas4u · 70-79, M
Sorry to say this, but you sound like the child standing in front of the Christmas tree, afraid the the only thing they'll get are bricks and bags of shit.
The way you are listed makes me think you are a minor. You have your whole life in front of you. Once you are an adult, you can choose what you want in your life. There is not an adult, here or anywhere else, that hasn't had those thoughts.There are at least few that had fantasy childhoods but most were something they wouldn't want to go through again.
If you're being abused, report it. Otherwise, make plans, find out what you're going to need when you become an adult. Don't waste this time by complaining about how pointless life is. You haven't started yet. If life was a race, you would still be waiting to get to the start line.
Like I said before, unless you're abused, there is much more to life then you know.
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
join the club
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
theres no always a whole lot to live for life is gay

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