SerenitiesScars · 36-40, M
.-. *Offers you a million dollars.. But you have to wait 50 years..* .-. Or you can have five dollars now..
Jpfunjunky · 41-45, M
I'm usually patient unless I'm a patient. Waiting in line at the doctors office really irks me!
GlitzandGlamber · 26-30, F
Tehe, I know, right?! Waiting at the doctors is the worst! My doctor is sooo slow - don't even get me started man! It seriously doesn't matter what time appointment I have even if it's the first one of the day - I will be there pretty much all day until closing it seems! I don't even know how it's possible or how he makes any money, he just talks your freakin ear off! It's like okay dude snapsnap pronto no one cares about your girlfriend or your dog or your toe fungus or your sexual dysfunction or your boils!! We don't wanna know keep that shiot to yourself I came to get better and healthy not be made sick thank you very much! Lol. 🙊🙉🙈😋
Jpfunjunky · 41-45, M
That sounds horrible! If lose my mind waiting all day!
You should schedule late right before closing and he will be quick to get you done!
You should schedule late right before closing and he will be quick to get you done!
Whatcha waiting for :?
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GlitzandGlamber · 26-30, F
@KingLyinHeart: Yessir, very true - but I can't wait for it! And yet alas... It evades me. Rawrrr. All the people who wanna be here seem to die and all the people who are ready to die linger. Life is awfully strange indeed... Plus life is rather
hard to live without sanity and clarity, which leads back to death and prob why one desires it in the first place... You feel me?! Tehe.
...Dundundun! 😋
hard to live without sanity and clarity, which leads back to death and prob why one desires it in the first place... You feel me?! Tehe.
...Dundundun! 😋
@GlitzandGlamber: I am trying to feel you
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
So let me get this straight. You're patient.... unless you're a patient???
Danez · M
and when is that? what makes you lose your patience?
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Then what happens? 🤔
NerdyNudist · M
And still alive!! =)
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
I love this, makes me smile