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I Am So Happy

Bc my supervisor “B” that I’ve talked about before is coming back from his vacation Monday. I haven’t seen him in 2 weeks and just thinking about seeing him makes me blush and get butterflies. I can’t wait for Monday.
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greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Don't allow yourself to become intimately involved with your supervisor. Most relationships don't work out. And you need your job. Be cautious.
kyky16 · 22-25, F
Yea I need my job u I’m the end of August, that’s when I go to college@greenmountaingal
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@kyky16 Flirt with him the day after you quit!
kyky16 · 22-25, F
Nah I’m okay. I’m gonna keep flirting with him I work with a bunch of childish adults anyways, they really don’t care@greenmountaingal
Tonydang · M
I’m sort of in the same position but just not sure it’s a good idea to act on it if things go bad there not going to end well I’m just saying but good luck if you are game !!😉😉
kyky16 · 22-25, F
Oh I completely understand that. Only 3 of my coworkers know I like him and that’s bc we are literally best friends and went to high school together. But nobody else knows. I guess my flirting makes it obvious. @Tonydang
Tonydang · M
Same here soon as I get to work she comes outside and sits with me for a coffee and when she’s not working she rings me and we chat for hours on the phone and I must say she’s very pretty I know I will get myself in trouble soon it’s getting pretty hard to hold back
kyky16 · 22-25, F
You should ask her to dinner. Maybe she’s waiting for you to make the first move. @Tonydang
xixgun · M
Might want to watch that. Your other co-workers will notice your attitude and body language as well. Could cause you problems in the long run.
kyky16 · 22-25, F
I understand, most know I flirt but I also flirt with everyone,
It’s just my personality. But ppl have noticed that he flirts with me too@xixgun
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Do I detect a bit of a crush, hmmmm?
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@kyky16 enjoy.. But not too much lol
kyky16 · 22-25, F
I’ll try not to enjoy it too much. But I’m making no promises lol 😂 @ozgirl512
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@kyky16 yeah right lol 😘

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