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Bighorn9331-35, M
Are you living in Japan now?

MrAverage196561-69, M
I have never visited Japan but I have always wanted to. I was hoping to visit when the Olympics were on but Covid put a stop to that.
I look forward to covid being under control so I can finally go.
I hope you are enjoying life in the USA
MrAverage196561-69, M
I envy your grasp of languages, sadly I can only speak English.
I hope to visit Japan when all the covid restrictions are lifted, it looks like a wonderful country.
Oooh I wanted to learn Japanese so bad. I took it in HS, but I found it soo challenging and unfortunately without practice what little I had has slipped away.
You're fortunate to have learned other languages early in life.
It's a great advantage to be multilingual. I wish I were.
DaddyThomas46-50, M
I鈥檝e been in Japan twice. I鈥檝e travelled the old road to Edo and slept in shinjukus
Guardian56-60, M
Are you Japanese-born American or American-born Japanese?
bustyyylover36-40, M
What do you miss most about Japan?
SamHarris31-35, M
ZhangXiuYing51-55, F
You look a bit Chinese. You sure your not just embarrassed of being Chinese?
SimplyTracie26-30, F
That鈥檚 so awesome. I love the Japanese culture and traditions. 馃槏
Aki16718-21, F
@SimplyTracie No some parts are still traditional
SimplyTracie26-30, F
@Aki167 Awesome 馃槏 And maybe a few Buddhist temples.
And I鈥檇 like to visit the memorials in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Aki16718-21, F
@SimplyTracie There are a few temples you could visit
almondflour46-50, F
That is awesome! I am glad you did not forget your native language!!!鉁岋笍
Aki16718-21, F
@almondflour Aww thanks me to! 馃槉
almondflour46-50, F
@Aki167 馃檪
callis4046-50, M
welcome along. i think japan is a honestly and beautiful culture with amazing people
Aki16718-21, F
@americanmeg Awww nahh your so sweet
It is important to keep your national identity and keep the passport of your birth country,never trade your heritage nor culture,you are japanese,you just reside in the coldron of eniquity
IWasCallingYaLarry26-30, M
I love and respect that :) . I was born in America and I myself wanna go to Japan some day. I love the culture there and wanna learn more about it in person for myself. I find Japanese culture and customs interesting. I hear Japan is very beautiful.
So where do you live now?

I think it'd be great to know muliple languages, and hopefully someday I will.

Though language is my worst subject, so it's going to be tough for me.
mclovin0241-45, M
That is pretty cool that you stated learning a second language at such a young age. I'm sure it was easier for you that way instead of doing it much later in life.
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Ryannnnnn31-35, M
Lucky, I'd love to have been raised knowing two languages. Reading Japanese is so hard outside of hiranga.
samueltyler280-89, M
Lucky multilingual you. Americans are terribly unable to converse, often even in their own language!
Millard161-69, M
It must have been exciting growing up learning two cultures, do you have a preference
LondonCowboy51-55, M
It鈥檚 great that you enjoy both cultures in your life 馃挐
MrGoodbar51-55, M
I wish more Americans were bilingual
SimplyTracie26-30, F
@MrGoodbar I agree with you.
On the flip side, people who also speak Spanish are told to speak English only. 馃檮
cd425961-69, M
You are pretty and intelligent then
pancakelover26-30, M
Are you getting my message
I can barely speak english.
StepDad236-40, M
Welcome to America! 馃憤馃徏
i love their culture
clever and good looking
Tobasco31-35, F
Good for you

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