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I Am Pisces

Your horoscope for March 3, 2014

Today is a great day for you to shine, lorna. People are in the mood to laugh, and you are more than willing to help facilitate this action. Feel free to be the clown that you are. Add humility to any situation and you can't go wrong. Take things to a new level of ridiculousness. Much of the tension that is caused between people today is as a result of taking ourselves too seriously. Do your part to reverse this trend
That's a really good one. Where do you get your daily horoscope?
MarkLovesCoffee · 56-60, M
She is looking better
...but she's not eating much...
quite worried about her....the chemo really knocked her.....
Chemo makes them weak and they don't want to eat. She really needs to eat of she wants to get through this.
MarkLovesCoffee · 56-60, M
We keep telling her that .... We will keep telling her ... We all want her back home. Xxx

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