tjw747 · 61-69, M
The God of the Bible is very much against them - for a number of reasons. First of all, if you "know" the future (or believe you do anyway) you will be focused solely on that - and not think about God much at all. You may get to the point of obsessing about things that are predicted to happen. I know a woman who went to a medium and he told her something that would happen, and within a few weeks, it did. (I think someone got hurt, or died or something) - then, the medium made another prediction (sorry, I forget the details) - and she feared greatly over this next thing, which was also bad news. She spent months agonizing over the 'event' and guess what? It never happened.
I think that if God wanted us to know the future, He would tell us. The fact that He does not, means that it is not good for us to know...which must be true because God loves us. We want to give the best things we can to those we love. But we don't let our kids play with fire, or do dangerous things. God is keeping the details of the future from us for a good reason...
I think that if God wanted us to know the future, He would tell us. The fact that He does not, means that it is not good for us to know...which must be true because God loves us. We want to give the best things we can to those we love. But we don't let our kids play with fire, or do dangerous things. God is keeping the details of the future from us for a good reason...
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
So they're all bad then
SoulAsylum · 36-40, M
No such thing as "mediums" they're con artists.
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
Maybe you misunderstand your religion