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I Am Looking For Therians


There's two things I've never understood about them.
The first thing is that some time ago I came across a therian site which explained how to m- shift and p- shift. Now, therians don't p-shift in the first place. But in the m- shifting explanation there was a list of this things you needed to do to successfully m-shift...

It said that you needed to search as much info about the animal you wanted to m-shift in, in this case wolves, and study them. Work on your howling, growling and snarling.

Why? Because m-shifting is nothing but acting like an animal? Therians say m-shifting is changing your human mindset to that of an animal, but if you need to do research on that animal's behavior, then you're nothing but acting like one, right? Wolf shifters (werewolves) have the mindset of a wolf, in this case the inner wolf has a different meaning here. It's why werewolves don't m-shift.

The second thing I never understood about therians is that some of them have more than one theriotype (or is that otherkin stuff?). Anyway, they say for example that they're a wolf cat therian. I don't know what that means, just like "seeing" your inner animal in front of you- when you're meditating and you're eyes are closed... Isn't that called your sense of imagination?
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Haylani · 26-30
If we're both talking about the same site (and I suspect we may), I agree with what you're saying. A lot of younger therians have these kind of unusual beliefs about being a therian, such as trying to memorize the behavior of what they want to be/claim to identify as, though this kind of thing usually comes about from that one site that implies that it has the answers for those trying to shift, and because of their want to physically shift in the first place (like a kind of desperation), so you'll usually see this kind of mindset in cyberpacks and sites for "p-shifting therians". The wider therian community seems to be more scrutinizing of such experiences, but even then it seems as if m-shifting is such a part of their lives, probably because they're human completely? If you view yourself as completely human, with completely human circuits and everything, it might make sense for one to have to switch on and off a wolf (or any other animal) mentality every now and again (even if it's innate to you), since they're two conflicting things, and one may not be natural to the other. I guess it's also part of the reason why werewolves need not m-shift in the first place-being a wolf is a very part of your being, and you probably don't reject it quite as well as human therians do...if rejection's even possible for werewolves.

And having more than one theriotype is a therian thing as well as otherkin (it falls under polytherians/polykin), though since definitions are confused, it could also be that they're actually experiencing a combination of two animals into one, so for example, someone who claims to be a wolfcat therian could mean they're one creature that happens to be both a cat and a wolf, like some kind of hybrid of the two. I think standard polytherians just experience them as separate, so they'd experience mental shifts into a regular wolf, and then, into a regular cat, but the two would be separate animals the therian experiences, that do not mix.

As for the "seeing" your inner animal, as far as I'm aware that's not supposed to happen, and is denounced by most therians and otherkin alike, since you can't and shouldn't see your animal side as if it were something separate from you. It'd be like saying you meditated and saw your skin color talk to you or something like that - the animal is supposed to be a part of them, and if it's not, it's probably something else that is not therianthropy/otherkin, like spirit guides or some sort of multiplicity. But I think you'll find most just say they identify as an animal, and do not see it as some separate entity.

Meh, I'm not therian/otherkin so I cannot vouch for what they believe or experience completely, but this is the way I've seen it rationalized in the community over time. Hope this helped, and hope I didn't confuse you with my long entry.

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