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I Am Dissapointed In Our Society

Society will attack you for being LGBT, it will attack you for the colour of your skin, it will attack you for your religion, it will attack you for you gender. We make false idols of nobody's who become famous for the fact that they are famous. We strive for the ideals that are served to us by those who shout the loudest.
Society is no longer evolving, it has gone into reverse. We think it is evolving when we can order pizza or do our banking on a smart phone but we as a people can't even find a few minutes to talk to others. We scorn cultures because they are different to our when we should be talking, learning and understanding, showing compassion and respect. That is how society evolves.
Don't you understand, it doesn't matter what your gender, race, religion, sexuality are. We are all humans, we share the same sun, we breath the same air, we come from the same planet...
Top | New | Old
LachrymoseLamer · 51-55, M
Very well said! 👍
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
Thank you technology.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Zonuss · 46-50, M
We are very rude, crass, low class, shallow, and disconnected society.

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