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I Am Not Into Politics

In the US.. its about time... Trump puts sanctuary cities to the test... you wanted to be the ‘good guys’.?... but when threatened with having the Illegals that the Dems are happy to bring in, sent to your ‘sanctuary’. ...stop crying.
That’s right... not in my city.
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SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
This is Trump’s modus operandi. He likes to “punish” those that oppose his views. It’s pathetic actually. We all have differing views on many issues but most of us don’t threaten to harm those that do not disagree with us.

As I’ve said many times, Trump was elected to serve all Americans and not just those that share his political views.
MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
@SimplyTracie it would be nice if you made sense.
No... the ILLEGAL Immigrants are the ones we are against. Get it right.

And again, no... they are coming to Your neighborhood... then you’ll understand governing with heart & governing with a brain.
MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
@SimplyTracie not in the way that led to him leaving as he should have... head down in Shame... he still did everything & everyone he wanted to.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F

I make no sense?

he still did everything & everyone he wanted to.
What does that mean anyway?

Trump can do what the law allows him to do. In the meantime, he should focus on real options instead of fantasizing.

Now what are some options you can think of? First, he needs to appoint a competent Homeland Security Secretary who is able to make rational decisions without being micro-managed. Good leadership requires that.
Democratic presidential candidate Senator Cory Booker, of New Jersey, accused President Trump of trying to incite anger and divide Americans with his threat to release undocumented immigrants from the border into sanctuary cities. CBS News’ “Face the Nation” moderator Margaret Brennan asked Booker whether the president’s threat was an empty one — whether he was, perhaps, creating friction in order to jumpstart a Congress that has not acted on immigration.

“You say ‘friction’ — I say he’s trying to pit Americans against each other and make us less safe,” Booker said in the interview.

Wait. Hold on. It appears that Sen. Booker said that sanctuary cities are not safe and adding more illegal immigrants to them would make them less safe.

Whoops. What an ass.
MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
@DukeOfEarle right... I don’t understand why they’re getting so upset... unless, it’s bc they like to SAY they’re sanctuary cities & now with facing actually being the sanctuary, they’re like...wait a minute!... lol
Ya. Reality coming to bite them in the asses. @MsMontgomery
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
Would it have been legal for Trump to just bus them to cities across the country and then leave them there?
Legal? You can’t back out of your driveway these days without doing something someone could deem as “illegal.” “Illegal” is whatever it is they want to pin on you because they have an agenda and a ton of laws and legal precedents (some rare and obscure) to use against you. From day one they’ve been trying their damndest to pin something on Trump. So I am sure there is something “illegal” about bussing these illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities and leaving them there. Ridiculous isn’t it? @SimplyTracie
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@DukeOfEarle I don’t know if bussing them is illegal or not. That’s why I asked the question. Trump needs to follow the law. I know he has made new laws but until then he is culpable if he breaks any.

I think what ICE and CBP agents are doing is horrible. I think it’s wrong to stop citizens and ask for papers to prove their citizenship is just freakin wrong.
MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
@SimplyTracie Legal?... We are talking about ILLEGAL immigrants, right? Nothing about this is legal. Trump is the bad guy by upholding our laws.
If I commit a crime, I don’t think my family gets to go to a spa with me as punishment...No, I go to jail, by myself.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
I haven’t seen anyone upset about the illegals in their city part tbh. They’ll just turn around and leave anyway.

Right now they regularly release them in El Paso. El Paso seems all right 🤷‍♂️
I'm not into politics? 🤔
MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
@SW-User lol... there wasn’t a sanctuary city group...
@MsMontgomery but there ARE obviously better places
MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
@SomeMichGuy yes... There are always better places.
Pfuzylogic · M
It is good to see the hypocrite exposed for who he is. Someone that plays with lives.

Lock him up!
Pfuzylogic · M
Wouldn’t you have a tough time of reasoning by proof? I am sure donnie will use as many distractions as possible to keep him and his family away from incarceration. He will be a busy bee!

I addressing your 401(k) comment, and it should be obvious that

The state of your 401(K) is not the same as whether or not the deficit & debt of the US have increased under this President.

One is how whatever your portfolio is has changed, the other is based upon the income minus spending of the Federal government. Glad your 401(k) is up, but it is not an indicator of the Federal deficit or the total National Debt.

Do you know which President last balanced the Federal budget?
MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
@SomeMichGuy it was over 40 years ago.... but I care about today. It’s so sad that you can’t enjoy today & future outlooks are good too (minus the scare tactics by those against Trump)... I’m enjoying our should too.
.... However, this story was about Illegal Immigrants... people smushing in here with their hands out.. hoping for the divide between dems & Republicans aiding their agendas... & it seems to be.... which is So, so sad.
We think alike 😉
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Hypocrisy on display
Zonuss · 46-50, M
I believe that both the Democrats and Republicans endorses illegal immigration.
Thats why it is still an issue. Take a hint. 🙂

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