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I Am American Indian

I'm a quarter Creek Indian. My grandfather (my mom's father) was full Creek Indian and was an actor. His name is William Sampson if you've ever heard of him :)
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Hello and welcome to Experience Project. I did not know your grandfather, but I did know who he was. I am also American Indian and a member of The Eastern Band of Cherokee in Cherokee, North Carolina. As a young adult I was also an actor and worked on the production of “Unto These Hills” a dramatic production of the history of The Cherokee that is produced every year during summer. I was a cast member in the years of 1977, 1978, and 1979. William Sampson is someone that a young Native American looked up to as he was an actor from Oklahoma that had done well and represented well all American Indians. He was at that time in my life a man that I considered to be a living legend. I am very sorry that I never had the opportunity to meet him, but he is someone that I have admired all of my life. I am no longer an actor, but I cherish my days of acting.

I hope you enjoy your time here and any time that you might need to talk to someone please feel free to drop me a line. I am not online necessarily every day, but if you send a message either PM or on a post that I am involved in I will see the email and get back to you.

Have a great evening and an awesome day tomorrow…
Faeriegrrl · 26-30, F
That's really amazing. Thank you for sharing! :)
That is awesome. I am also mvskoke creek. Your grandfathers acting in one flew over the Cukoo's nest was incredible. One of the first native American characters that wasn't totally black and white. He had depth. He still played the stoic native but with a twist. I don't know if you have ever seen the documentary"reel injun" but it is about Hollywood's depiction of natives in film. They speak about your grandfather on it. You can find it on Netflix if you haven't seen it.
Faeriegrrl · 26-30, F
thanks! I'll check it out :)

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