Happened earlier today. Someone lied about me and since it was their word against mine and I hadn't been working there as long I got screwed for it. Not only have the two people involved in my firing been extremely impolite and unprofessional in their interactions with me, but for reasons I can't mention without giving away my real identity I can't trust them at all anymore. I am still owed more than $300 and I'm going to collect it next week. I have a gut feeling that they'll try to pull some funny business with me.
Not only will they pay me what I'm owed, I've also decided that after I deposit my last check that I will to go to the US Dept. of Labor website and report them for numerous legal violations. I can easily prove two of these violations with my time slips (I kept them all since day one) and with my pay stubs (I kept those too). It'll be enough to get them to investigate. I could be owed around $40 if they're found in violation (yet another win for me).
Just because I'm quiet and reserved that doesn't mean people get to treat me poorly and get away with it. I will have my revenge and my money, and I will laugh all the way to the bank (quite literally).
When I quit my old boss tried deducting me a full days pay saying that she had no record of it! But I did so her boss made her pay me my full two weeks worth of work straight from the cash register!
@saintsong It's always smart to keep records. Archive, archive, archive. Make backups and copies. I keep pictures on my phone and computer of all my pay stubs for example.
I'm sorry. 😥 That sounds similar to what happened to me at my job too. Someone else told my boss lies about me in order to save her job. It was so unfair that her lies were believed. 😏