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I Speak Out Against Domestic Abuse

WHY do you rely on another person to be your moral center?

Are you not adult enough to be secure in your person hood,
do you lack an actual core;
that you feel you are entitled/OBLIGATED?
to outsource your *issues*
and leave them,
at the hands (literally)
of another entity?

I find this concept ...INCREDIBLE....And appalling.

You are familiar with these sayings:
"I am born too late,
I am born too early
I am born in the wrong era"

Seems to me; You are born about a century+ too late.

I truly pity them
and they do not realize how pathetic is their life.
But, there is always hope.

I've kind of been there
(...'kind of'>>> Because I wisened up and left the sociopathic piece of work)
When you are so committed to the relationship and the person,
it is very hard to see how caged you truly are!

Hopefully they can learn to sand on their own two feet,
use the brain that god gave them
and walk away.

Hopefully FLY away.

THIS SONG, it really says it ALL.
Wildstrawberries · 41-45, F
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON Here is another song. It's actually two songs.

Sometimes we need an EARTHQUAKE to shake us to THE CORE.
And out of our passivity, delusions and victim mentality
and back into REALITY.

It's called The Stockholm Syndrome.
It's an illness.
I wonder how many women comprehend: THEY ARE SICK.


Wildstrawberries · 41-45, F
Stockholm Syndrome Explained[media=]
If this can save one person.
I mean it can happen to any person. Woman and man can be a victim. It's a very complex relationship.

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