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Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
@ImLobo: so you believe everything you read and hear? I don't! :)
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Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
@ImLobo: okay
Ynotisay · M
I did what I usually do when I see clips like this. I considered the context and the source.
I was able to determine the source. It's from "Protecting the USA." Very conservative.
What I couldn't find was the name of the gentleman leading the exercise. Or the organization he was representing.
Do you happen to know?
I mean, that's kind of important, right?
I was able to determine the source. It's from "Protecting the USA." Very conservative.
What I couldn't find was the name of the gentleman leading the exercise. Or the organization he was representing.
Do you happen to know?
I mean, that's kind of important, right?
Ynotisay · M
@Justpeaceandlove: Nah. Maybe a sign of your times. My times are doing pretty well.
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
@Ynotisay: my times are as well! Understanding what that means helps! :)
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Not worried at all 😄
plaguewatcher · M
the system IS broken,, has been for a long time
there is NO two party system in the constitution, that was an invention of the two parties that hijacked the system years ago.
we do not get to choose those who run,, we do not get to choose any alternative,
the entirte thing is rigged alright to keep the
ONE PARTY Demopublicans? Rebubicrats? the party of privilege and Big Money.
banks and lobbyists, corporations and Lawyers.
there is NO two party system in the constitution, that was an invention of the two parties that hijacked the system years ago.
we do not get to choose those who run,, we do not get to choose any alternative,
the entirte thing is rigged alright to keep the
ONE PARTY Demopublicans? Rebubicrats? the party of privilege and Big Money.
banks and lobbyists, corporations and Lawyers.
TexChik · F
I don't think idiots should be telling people who to vote for.
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Can you elaborate Tex?
berangere · 80-89, F
Could not find the video,sorry.Sadly many people do vote for idiots.
Sarahtranny · 41-45, T
Than know one would ever vote
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
They absolutely do because they believe we still have honest people in politics. They haven't woke up yet! ;)
plaguewatcher · M
but thats ALL of them, fools and the evil