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If any of her jobs require taking a lot it will strain the voice. I would regularly lose my voice when I worked customer service because of how much I had to talk.

I emphasize with your worry. But there's not much you can do about it right now. I'm sorry.
justicexoxoxo · 26-30, M
@CleverFunnyNameGoesHere Well the job she quit today was dominos. She had 3 well now 2 active jobs now. She really burnt herself out and stretched herself thin. The way she was going she was going to collapse at some point. She was treating her mind and body with zero regard whatsoever.
@justicexoxoxo sometimes it's not about how you treat yourself. Sometimes it's about paying rent, electricity, and getting your next meal. A lot of people don't have the option to take time off if they don't have paid leave. I'm lucky enough to have a partner who works (and who never really gets sick thank God) so when I'm not working our bills will still get paid. But every single woman with minimum wage jobs has worked or will work herself sick at least once.

Yeah she def needs to take a break from work, put her health first and start seeing some specialists. Maybe she could bring her previous medical paperwork that way they won’t have to constantly re-do testing since it’s new patient policy or whatever.
justicexoxoxo · 26-30, M
@DecafD As crazy as this sounds, nobody knows. She really likes to put on this I'm happy everything is okay mask even if everything is falling apart for her. That's not to bad mouth her, that's just the truth and this is something she admits to herself being a major problem and flaw about her. If and when she hits me up tomorrow morning I will see if I can make that happen.
@justicexoxoxo I get it- I knew a girl that survived 2 cancers alone and she had this big, supportive family that could’ve helped her through all of it and she chose not to worry them. Looking back she really wishes she told her mom bc what if it came back and it was bc they couldn’t remove it all in the previous operations- like how do you explain that to your family? Maybe offer your support that if she doesn’t have the courage or is scared to open up about this with her family that maybe you could help? I you could write an email for her or help her craft the text that she will use to send people. It can’t go on like that. That’s dangerous for her health.
justicexoxoxo · 26-30, M
@DecafD She's very stubborn, that's all I'm gonna say. She gets it though. She quit her third job, she's resting and not pushing herself anymore. The burning question is, is it too late? That's rhetorical by the way. I don't know the answer to that, I'm sure you don't either and that's what worries me the most. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.
She's young so that's that in her favor. Hopefully it'll all be ok.

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