I Hate My Mom a Lot
To those who know I live with my aunt since my birth mom obviously didn't want me. After many years of never showing up to my birthday never talking to me and saying she loved me. She reers her ugly head out just to get money From my aunt (new mom). And get this she didn't even know I was a grown man she still thought I was a child I refused to see her. In her eyes me being born ruined her chances at doing anything she wanted to do (Drugs ). She would have ruined my life had my aunt not intervened. that woman will never be my mother in my eyes I don't care what people say she is undeserving of that title. Every birthday I had with my aunt she never wished me well hell she didn't even call and all attempts in vain. I say this because she came to my homestead today not to check up on me or see how I was doing but to get money from me. Making up some story about how she was in the hospital ha pathological liar. I didn't answer the door and I don't regret my choice.