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I Can't Stand My Stepkids

It’s not true. I can’t stand their mother! And I’m not too pleased with their dad right now.

My partner is mad at my son because he leaves dirty washing on the floor. Because he doesn’t switch the PS4 off the second he’s asked and he gets in a mood when he’s asked to do something.
He says I make excuses for him and that my kids are out of control and have no respect for anyone.
Maybe I do make excuses but I’d i don’t stand up for my him then nobody will. My son is 14. Though annoying, this is typical behaviour for his age. It isn’t disrespect it’s laziness. He doesn’t leave shit in the floor to piss us off he does it because he can’t be arsed picking it up! He does eventually when asked once or twice but I don’t feel the need for it to end in fights every day.

My stepdaughter lies constantly. And has stolen from my youngest several times. The last time it was her tooth fairy money. I do feel sorry for her though as her brother is clearly everyone’s favourite. She’d cut her fringe off once and her mother hadn’t even noticed for 2 days! I noticed the second she walked in. She came round in 6-7yr pants the other day. She’s 11 and this has been going on for years. Her brother? Well he has Calvin Klein boxers.
My stepson is a shit stirrer. He’s stolen twice from a shop (that we know of) and once blamed it on my son. He is constantly in trouble at school. He’s currently on report again. What does his mother do? Took him to the doctors to see what was wrong with him!! He’s a spoilt little self entitled shit who’s always been told how wonderful and perfect he is!
I love them most of the time. It can be hard. But I know it’s because of how they’re being raised.
None of my kids have ever stolen and they’ve never been in trouble at school. my daughter’s school report always mentions her impeccable behaviour. So please explain again how it’s MY kids are out of control?
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ajsk13 · 51-55, M
your experiencing the biggest bummer with mixing two existing families together..drama.. drama.. drama.. I feel for you
Aidan · 26-30, F

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