I Wonder If I Should Or Shouldn't
I still suffer from post traumatic stress from something that happened from 2012-2014. I held my tongue through it all, I never got to stand up for myself and state my peace, while a group of under covers and their psychic spread around half truths and lies about me. Basically telling my old family doctor that I wished that he was my lover; not! But I was set up by the devil himself and then I lost my family doctor for the whole family because of a lie, told by a paranoid schizophrenic who claimed she was a psychic who spread all sorts of evil against me.....I bought a leather bound journal the other day....And when I go to Cuba next week I wanted to tell my story the good the bad and the ugly but my truth. And give it to him...and I wonder if I should or if I shouldn't? Or if I should just try and let it go inspite of all of the rumors spread about me? The worst thing that could happen is the under covers get ahold of it and exploit me with it.