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I'm Not Positive All The Time

But today... I got to work hand in hand with a hero. An Autodesk university guy. The kind of expert who answers every question on their forums without blinking. And he was impressed with what I have achieved. And he sang my praises to my boss. And now I am a little bit in love with today 😍😍😍😍😍
They key is to know and admire your skills. It wasn't him, it was you who did well by believing in your self.
DreamCoCreators · 36-40, M
@SW-User indeed. It finally came to fruition, all my hard work on all my steps towards my goal were finally validated. Thanks bud.
DreamCoCreators · 36-40, M
@SStarfish cheers *clunk's glass of Tokara South African red from 2012 :) a lucky find, and quite fabulous :):)
@DreamCoCreators nice 😊😊😊👍🏼

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