not true since attractiveness is completely subjective. and if you wanna appeal to beauty standards, they’re also always changing. so that study is bull
@zaatar There are common beauty standards that haven't changed such as valuing symmetry, curvaceous bodies for women, broad shoulders for men etc. Because these traits communicate things like fertility, testosterone and genetic health. Attraction is subjective but when most people have similar ideas of what's attractive it becomes objective :)
@BanPlastic sure i guess you could say that. i still believe this study is bs but whatever ugly people wanna believe is none of my business🤲🏽 (i’m not implying you are ugly tho, idk who you are)
Only ugliness of heart should be taken into consideration
Nah, I think those who are not thought of as attractive, use other ways to get noticed and attention. So they amp up their personality or whatever in a false way
@SW-User The study looked at their values rather than how they appeared. Attractive people are the ones more likely to fake being nice. For example, they might be nice just to promote themselves.