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I Am Dissapointed

Someone close to me has hurt me many times and I have always forgiven them and been there when they needed someone. I make one little mistake that was stupid, said I was sorry and they no longer trust me. I am over it.
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Highonheels · 51-55, M
Thera a saying I found that fits this very well

I agree with this very much so
Highonheels · 51-55, M
@Sinnerwithaheart I think that people come into our lives for a reason and things happen for a reason but in the end if we leave it in gods hands it will all work out.
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@Highonheels I agree.
Highonheels · 51-55, M
Highonheels · 51-55, M
I also had a friend that I met at the hospital he had a lot of issues ,we were friends for about 9 months and he got mad at me several times and yelled and screamed at me to get out of his life over some misunderstandings but I always forgave him then one day he misunderstood something and completely took it out of context and didn’t even give me a chance to explain what I meant before he started calling me leavnig threatning messages threatening my life so I finally said that’s it were done so I blocked him and deleted him of my contact list along with Anyone he was associated with.
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@Highonheels I am sorry that you had to deal with that.
Highonheels · 51-55, M
@Sinnerwithaheart it’s ok I know it’s for the best he had a lot of mental issues and was on a lot of prescription meds so it that friend - ship was bound to sink lol. But yea I’m glad it did to be honest his attitude about life was rather negative and he dwelt in the past to much and I always “try” to be as posative as possible and “try” not to dwell in the past to much , exspeciallly on the negative things but my depression tend to take me there at times.
Highonheels · 51-55, M
I had a friend like that too he had several mental issues like schitsaphrinia and bipolar but he would always misunderstand something I said and get mad at me and yell and scream at me I told him I pretty much go by the three strike rule we’ll needless to say he put in his last strike and I had to let him go it hurt but now I am over it too , so I know what your going through hun I’m sorry you were hurt , unfortunetly not every relationship we have in this life can survive the test of time.
MistyStarr · F
I can relate. 'True' friends seem to show their true colors when they're needed. Selfish.
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@MistyStarr Yes so very true.
MistyStarr · F
@Sinnerwithaheart its difficult to do but a taste of their own treatment might work
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@MistyStarr Yes true...I just walk away.
NewKidInTown · 51-55, M
If the pendulum doesn't swing both ways, time to get a new clock 😕
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@NewKidInTown And that is what I did.
summerwind · 41-45, F
been there done that. The sad part is I keep doing it
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@summerwind Awwwe.
i have trusted to many times. No more
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@nevergiveup I feel the same way.
@Sinnerwithaheart i want so much to be loved and wanted but it always goes wrong and i get hurt
Don't need that kind of a "friend".
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@SW-User Not at all.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
so you're their scratching post???
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@sighmeupforthat Yes I was.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Move on and find someone who values you and your time.
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@Zonuss Yes I know and thank you.
Highonheels · 51-55, M
@Zonuss that’s good advice for sure
What was the mistake?
ASolitaryMan · 61-69, M
I'm sorry I live in that same mud... Be you.
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@ASolitaryMan I am being me and if they cant deal with it the...bye.
ASolitaryMan · 61-69, M
Pherick · 41-45, M
Very sorry to hear someone hurt you :(
Gr8Guy1979 · 41-45, M
I know how you feel no joke it’s hard to please everyone!!!! The thing that sucks they are selfish cause I’m sure they don’t care how we feel or think off!! It’s better to stay away from toxic people like that !!!! You can always have love and respect and be the bigger person but you don’t deserve the put down!You my friend are worth so much and I don’t say that lightly I mean it you are not Forgotten God bless your heart
Waymor · M
My opinion for what it's worth, you count that as their lost. People like that don't know how to appreciate the good in people. There'll come a day that they'll realize how stupid they were. Just don't loose any sleep over it. Peace
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Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@harrypotterfan1990 Obviously you have not been around long.
Highonheels · 51-55, M
@harrypotterfan1990 it helps to open up and let things out if you try to hold them in it will just tear you apart and so it’s not about drama it’s about an emotional release and your never too old to have emotions , this site is built around shareing your feelings and experiences with other who may be going through similar things so it’s @Sinnerwithaheart right to express how she feels.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Dont trust them as you shouldnt.
Be done with them and move on.

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