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Cierzo · M
Beautiful as always 🥰
Although for me it is shocking to see something positive in blandness. I have always considered blandness sterile.
Although for me it is shocking to see something positive in blandness. I have always considered blandness sterile.
novembermoon · 51-55
@Cierzo read this from
"Bland comes to us from the Latin word blandus, meaning “mild, smooth, flattering, alluring.” Funny, because today you wouldn't say there's anything "alluring" about something bland. People still use bland to mean pleasant and tranquil, but it more often has a negative connotation."
"Bland comes to us from the Latin word blandus, meaning “mild, smooth, flattering, alluring.” Funny, because today you wouldn't say there's anything "alluring" about something bland. People still use bland to mean pleasant and tranquil, but it more often has a negative connotation."
laotzu92 · M
Perhaps blandness is the wrong word. Would "quiet attention" be better?
novembermoon · 51-55
@laotzu92 thanks for viewing and making the suggestion. In Chinese, 淡泊 has the meaning of 'being flavourless'. Thus I used the word 'blandness'. In many ancient traditional sayings, blandness is not seen negatively.