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Hair growth is four stages, anagen,catagen,telogen, and exogen. It can be affected by hormonal issues, genetics, stress, etc. Once hair comes through the scalp it is dead. Most people don't realize that. Long flowing locks are indeed dead. The more natural the ingredients of the shampoo the stronger the hair and healthier the scalp. I use diluted apple cider vinegar to cleanse my scalp once a month. Natural oils must be allowed to flow and not washed away. For shampoo I use a mixture of aloe vera which I grow abundantly in my home and greenhouse with avocados. Research this mixture because other things can be added. 90% of shampoos contain too much alcohol and toxic sulfates. A fancy label and name. All crap. I keep my dreads at 2-2.5 ft long. No breakage. Which is rare because of the weight of the hair. Research onion juice also. Damage is also done by years of abuse by using unnatural products.
Enchanted · 56-60, F
I'm not sure shampoo wise..but I love "Marc Anthony's" line of Hair care...Moroccon oil based...I use the conditioner every wash and the deep conditioner once a week or stylist always asks what I use as it keeps my hair in very good condition.
You don't need a lot so it goes a long way!
Also coconut oil works it thru your hair and Leave for a bit before shampooing.
You don't need a lot so it goes a long way!
Also coconut oil works it thru your hair and Leave for a bit before shampooing.
MellyMel22 · F
I'm not sure it guarantees it, but nioxin is supposed to be good. To be quite honest though, I'd look into a high biotin vitamin if I were you(just make sure it's safe if you take meds). It's something you have to take daily for a couple of months though. It worked best for me when I had breakage and that brittle feel.
Louise8887 is absolutely right. I totally forgot about Horse shampoo. You will have the silkiest most lustrous hair ever!!! I would try that first.
Louise8887 is absolutely right. I totally forgot about Horse shampoo. You will have the silkiest most lustrous hair ever!!! I would try that first.
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Alex1834 · 26-30, F
Alex1834 · 26-30, F
No, haven't tried it but look it up on YouTube. Many people talking about how they used it.
Louise8887 · 36-40, F
I know someone that uses horse shampoo. She swears by it
rain0069 · 31-35, F
@FoolishLuna i have as wel as olive oil
Try coconut oil in your hair
rain0069 · 31-35, F
@Marsane1 thanks beauty
rain0069 · 31-35, F
@MellyMel22 thank you dear
I always take selinium supplements
rain0069 · 31-35, F
@Marsane1 im greatful thanks , oion just seems so messy i am however willing to try anything
rain0069 · 31-35, F
@FoolishLuna does it require a lot of water? biotin is unkindto my skin
rain0069 · 31-35, F
@Louise8887 sounds amazing I'll let you know how it goes
rain0069 · 31-35, F
@KellyLancaster thanks sweetie i needed that
rain0069 · 31-35, F
@Enchanted I'll look into it now
rain0069 · 31-35, F
@Lazarus bad experience?
rain0069 · 31-35, F
@Alex1834 thanks have you tried?
rain0069 · 31-35, F
@Enchanted sounds good
what ever you use dont try wash n gone