MrKota · 36-40
Sometimes parents abandoning children is a good thing. Same goes with disowning children. I'm sure if my parents didn't kick me out I wouldn't be married, or have half of what I do now.
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MrKota · 36-40
@LaurieKitKat94 My parents kicked me out at 16. It's not okay that they abandon their children. But it's not okay for parents to toss their children out on the street. I would give anything for my parents to meet my wife, or have parents who loved me, our culture doesn't allow parents to do that.
LaurieKitKat94 · 31-35, F
@MrKota 16? Why? What did you do? That's is so bad
I'm so sorry
I'm so sorry
MrKota · 36-40
@LaurieKitKat94 I'm bisexual, they were overly religious LDS, and would have preferred me to "remain straight". Caught me in the act and freaked the f*** out. I think it bothered them more was them catching me in the act. They were going to pay for me to be a missionary at the time, and told them that I didn't want to change my sexuality.
I only have a mom and step dad who I call my biological dad. It’s because my “dad” is a deadbeat.