1. Our Ego is the devil. Why? Those thoughts we have about ourself, is feed by our Ego, the ego will hang onto small events things about our life, blow things/people out of proportion to the real truth. YOUR EGO does not tell you the truth.
2. Yes you are innocent, why this dream world of Shadows, will tell you via your ego that you are guilty. You have never left the safety of heaven. This body world is very diseptive and confusing.
3. Take up daily quite meditation, in the deep still you can be with your spirit self. The silence of still deep meditation, can free you from your constant mind chatter, that mind chatter that has you be so unhappy with your life. In the still nothing can deceave you. Your unhappy emotions have then no place to take hold, to con you to cut and be unhappy.
4. Forgive you, for all the stupid things/actions you have done.
5. Forgive those in your life that have hurt you.
Who you are is Love waiting to extend itself. Go into your inner temple to be with this inner deep love that you have for you.
You are spirit having a human experience.