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I Had a Bad Dream

Lmao apparently, my exam blue book for crim law came back and my score was exactly 75 (the passing) but it became 70 for not following instructions 🥺🤣 lol UGH i dont want to fail lmao

School pervades even my subconscious lol
Classified · M
That happened in your dream? 😅
Classified · M
@Dewms You got an extra year 😱
@Classified hell no im quitting if i fail a major subject 😑
Classified · M
@Dewms Be safe. 🤗🤗
CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
You have enough stress while you're awake 🤗
@CheshireCatalyst true
🤗 hru?
CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
@Dewms I'm ok, slowly recovering from surgery and not getting much sleep because of the boy though!

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