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I Hate Daddy's Belt

I guess many kids do, it hurts when parents use the belt.
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Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
Hi Erik,
It doesn't matter what implement my parents use it always hurts like hell and I always cry. My backside and legs are often afire with cane strokes. My parents are just ultra strict. I'm 18 but don't feel like my age. Don't look it and am certainly not treated like an 18year old.
Pop0159 · 61-69, M
Why is it people think what works on one child will work (or not work) on all children ..... They are individuals and should be treated as such .... some children grow up well behaved and become productive adults without ever receiving a spanking ..... However, in my experience there are some children who respond better to being spanked than any other method of discipline .... I commend Hopeless on speaking up with what works for her children ...
Myraisme · 18-21, F
The belt looks scary. :(
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@camisrevenge: I hate to get naked too but I hate the pain even more. Even if there are guests.
camisrevenge · 22-25, F
I rather have the pain then boys I know standing there while I'm undressed in front of them with everything in view and them smirking and just staring at wat I don't want them to see at all. I hate it!😡😨😥
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@camisrevenge: I think it is worse for girls to be naked in front of people than for boys. I also embarrassed when people watch me getting spanked naked and when they look at the welts after it but for me the pain is even worse.
Do you get spanked often?
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@pinkrainbowkisses: 5 ladies answered to this post. And men can reply to my posts too, I don't mind.
Strictmother · 46-50, F
That is very true. That is hwy I got online and purchased a tawse with two tails
Madelenie · 26-30, F
I got switch most of the time, hangers sometimes and there was one time a chair
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Yes, I talked about it with my mother last automne. She said that she feels sorry for me but I need the discipline and that I will get even harsher spankings cos I am older.
Codrin · M
I suppose that is why corporal punishments are administered: to hurt. The belt is an effective implement for serious faults. I hated the belt too and tried to avoid to get it as much as I could. Not always with the same success :(
ernestcharles · 70-79, M
erik2000, yes. My friend's dad belted me when I was with my friend and we misbehaved together. My own parents used a hair brush, a cane or a switch.
Madelenie · 26-30, F
14. They have stopped spanked me when I started high school, most likely they thought they had "educated" enough me...Anyway I don't hate them anymore now because they just didn't know how to be good parent, neither did I a good daughter... I hope you and your parent will go through that someday as well :)
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@CallmeHopelessNotRomantic: I see. My parents would belt or cane me for it but buy me a new one.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@CallmeHopelessNotRomantic: Are they well behaved?
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@Codrin: I try to behave but I always get into trouble.
My kids don't do anything that i feel requires punishment. They like doing things with friends and having their phone, so they do lose those. My kids have always been easy to have conversations with about what the problems are. A lot of times that's all that is needed.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@suthysloth: Yes, it is better to get it only on weekends but also worse cos I know that I will get it and it is bad to wait. Like now cos I know that I will get it tomorow.
On those 2 weeks I didn't do any bad thing so I wasn't punished but it is hard cos I get into trouble easily.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@CallmeHopelessNotRomantic: How would you punish them? My parents say that only corporal punishments work on me.
Madelenie · 26-30, F
@erik2000 hey maybe you could think this way that they only spank you in the weekend, not daily!
Maybe you also should find out what made you didn't get spanked in that 2 weekends for avoiding further spanks.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@Suthysloth: They never spank me without reason but they find even small things a good reason. They punish me for things I did during the week on the weekend and it almost never happens that they don't find anything. Like last year there were only 2 weekends that I didn't get punished.
ernestcharles · 70-79, M
It certainly does. It was my best friend's daddy's belt that was used on me. We both hated it.
All I ever see is men old enough to be your grandfather comment on your posts. :O
erik2000 · 22-25, M
You sound like a cool mother :)
Lol i don't look for excuses to discipline my kids. They are the ones suffering consequences not me. I wasn't hit when i grew up and i turned out to be a pretty good person.
Madelenie · 26-30, F
@erik2000 that chair hit on my room's door and there's a hole ever since. I just can't believe my dad did that to me, maybe I behaved really really bad I can't remember though
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@CallmeHopelessNotRomantic: You don't punish them even if they lose their phone? Can I ask how many kids do you have?
sierralover · 70-79, M
Eric; an average of about once a week throughout my teen years.
Madelenie · 26-30, F
@erik2000 yeah there actually were some distances, my dad grabbed a chair besides him and threw straight away to me, luckily I had that evaded in time
erik2000 · 22-25, M
I don't hate them , even if I think they are too strict, they spank me usually every weekend, even now that I am 16.
Codrin · M
Erik2000, it happened to me as well. But in my late teens I knew when I deserved to be punished and I considered a spanking the best way to deal with my faults. After a spanking my mother forgave me and the home atmosphere became relaxed..
I have 3. And no it's they're loss. They are the one doing without.
Yes they are. And even if they weren't i still wouldn't hurt them to teach them a lesson.
Madelenie · 26-30, F
Oh have you ever tried to talk with them about this? That you don't like it and it hurts?
sierralover · 70-79, M
When I was your age I hated having to go get a switch for my Mother to whip me with.
ernestcharles · 70-79, M
sierralover, I had to cut a switch for my dad.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@erenstcharles: Did your frirend's dad belt you? Why not your own parents?
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@Suthysloth: I get the cane, I guess that is like a switch, ouch. But I can't imagine the chair! Did they throw it at you?
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@Suthysloth: Yes you were lucky, a chair can cause injury. My parents often beat me hard but they would never throw a chair at me or anything else.
ammoniascrubbertime · 46-50, F
A hillbilly?
erik2000 · 22-25, M
I know what you mean, I get the cane sometimes, I think it is like the switch. That sucks, hurts much more than the belt. Did she use it often on you?
My kids don't get abused with objects.
Codrin · M
erik2000. At your age maybe you better do not offer a reason to be spanked. If not, be aware yu should suffer the consequences of your misbehavior or bad deeds.
Codrin · M
Well, I think that it is the mission of a belt: tu hurt. It's for punishment, isnt't it?
ammoniascrubbertime · 46-50, F
Tennesseans are not behaved
Madelenie · 26-30, F
Oh my...does her spank you when you behave well though? If so it might be abuse...
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@Suthyslot: How old were you then? I think even if you behaved really badly he should have beaten you with the belt or switch but not throw the chair. Do you still get spanked?
ammoniascrubbertime · 46-50, F
Sometimes I wish the sun just explode a crazy squidbilly

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