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I Had a Mean Teacher

Junior Year of High School I had this lazy teacher, most of the time he would only teach for only a short bit of time and then we work on classwork. Anyways one cold rainy day I got into argument with this I kid hate and mind you this kid got into trouble a lot with the teacher got sent outside a lot (our classroom was in a trailer room) and while I agree we both deserved to get in trouble it was only me that got kicked outside in the freezing rain for the rest of class. That cheeky kid never had to go outside of class. I was trying to at least be a good kid academically and look through the window to see the lesson, but he would stop teaching if I did. So, cryingly I stood outside in the freezing rain for the rest of class, when I got back in thought most of the kids were on my side. Oh another thing about how lazy this guy was when his wife had their second kid, he was on paternity leave for a long time, like longer than a mother would get after she had her kid.
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TammieBear · 22-25, F
Teachers can be very unreasonable and act on their first impressions. Making you stand outside and get soaked is over the top 😒
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Teachers suck I had some mean ones in Jr high and highschool

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