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Can movements with good intentions lead to fanaticism?

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Throughout history there have been many movements started within our society. Movements, in theory, to better the quality of life for others. However, sometimes these movements can do more harm than good.

Examples of movements in history you might know about:

- Women’s Suffrage
- Civil Rights Movement
- The Marquis
- The Anti-War protests of the 60s-70s

Examples of movements that went too far and lead to more hazardous results:

- The IRA
- The Russian Revolution
- The Chinese Revolution

Today we see movements such as Black Lives Matter, a movement to end racial inequality and discrimination among the black community.

The intentions of BLM are good on paper however some would say the movement has made horrible choices we publicly demonstrating. From riots, looting, and and racism all being some of the after effects, do you think that some who follow the Black Lives Matter movement have become fanatical and are causing more harm than good?
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BlueVeins · 22-25
I mean yeah, that's fundamentally possible, but it doesn't really make sense to compare three armed rebellions to a conventional democratic political movement like BLM. Like yeah, there's been rioting and killing associated with BLM, but that's really the side effect as opposed to the movement's method of choice. And BLM has already forced a lot of city governments' hands in an important way.
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LadyGrace · 70-79
I think it's causing more harm than good. I don't see riots solving one thing. I've never seen any good come from them. Just more misery.
The BLM movement needs to be introduced to the Blexit movement and a have good 30 minutes with Candace Owens. That's the last of my two cents here though.
Elessar · 26-30, M
I'd add "Christianity" among those that went too far. Which caused way more damage than all those you mentioned *combined*.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Mamapolo2016 Yeah, agreed, but harmful intentions come even from within. We have near two millennia of evidence.
@Elessar You might find this interesting.

ProvokedByControversy · 31-35, M
@Elessar You make a good point and I did think adding them. I had many examples in mind but didn’t want to drown the topic with subjects for other topics. I will bring a discussion about religion in and of itself soon. I hope to see you mention something there.
MethDozer · M
To extent you're right but that's the natural outcome of a wrong system. It's basic Newtonian principles of there being and opposite but equal reaction. Every new movement goes through it's growing pains where it has to weed out it's bad ideas and actors. Not to mention this particular one has been trying to push through for numerous decades only to be systemarically squashed and restart at the infancy stage.

It isn't a sign of the movement being wrong, it's a symptom of how wrong and unjust the system has been it is up against. How long do you peacfully disagree and be ignored before using similar levels of hostility that has been thrown your way since the begining? People can sit here and bring up Ghandi style social change all they want but the fact is that only worked because he mounted it during a time that change was already being considered and had sympathies. That doesn't work when the system isn't already considering change any way.

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