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I Wish I Was Rich

To solve problems our society is facing. I'd buy every major hamburger meat, hamburger bun, hot dog bun and hot dog sausage companies in the world to hold the monopoly. Then change the format to either 6 or 12 units per packages.

Many companies have understood this for years but some still refuse to bend and continue to walk along the path of darkness. You might be able to buy acceptable package size where you usually shop but then you go somewhere for whatever reason, or the store manager change and buy different food. Now you have to buy packages of 12 buns BUT HAVE TO BUY THE 8 MEAT PACKAGE!

Six is half of twelve so if one kind was out of stock, at least you could buy two buns pack and one sausage pack and end up with an even number but with packs of eight you'd need to buy a lot more to get even. And then you eat hot dogs for 3 weeks if you don't want it to go to waste.

We are in 2016 and the sin is still being committed in some places. Unacceptable.
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Personally, I would rather see the government create financial subsidies to good farming practices. Like I would prefer to see high quality grassfed beef replace the grain diets and force-feeding practices that have become mainstream in raising cattle. I have suppliers for the healthier types of meat, but the prices are high and there are long delays when shipping to me. It's a hassle.
@renoire It's all about money, both the supply and the demand. As usual....
Renoire · 26-30, F
pone22: My story was meant to be silly because I'm making a fuss out of something so petty but you are right, we should be doing things like you said. I think they have the means but don't care or prefer to use a cheaper method

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