diablo · 51-55, M
13 years ago, Jenna? So sad. :( This Sunday will be Mother's Day here in a certain large country - we are just a little larger than Oz. Does Oz have that holiday as well? If so, please post a tribute story to your mumma. She will read it, I'm sure. :)
JennaBug · 31-35, F
Maybe Diablo. It's a sad subject. I might get sad if I do that. I'll think about it.
JennaBug · 31-35, F
Yes it was Sadie. It was 13 years ago, but the pain never goes away. It gets easier to deal with, but it always hurts the same.
JennaBug · 31-35, F
Yeah it does actually Sadie. Thank you. Actually I'm pretty good over the past few years. Life is good and getting really good :)
JennaBug · 31-35, F
Thanks Supreme, King and Sadie. It's okay King, it's just a wish. It won't happen so she will be watching me forever.
sadie210 · F
your welcome. i am fortunate enough as to have never lost someone that close to me i can imagine it being hard though. :(

Don't think that way, I'm sure mom would you to live your life. Try to show here how good you're doing !
diablo · 51-55, M
Please do think about it, even a short "I remember you on Mother's Day" type of story :)
JennaBug · 31-35, F
Thanks Sadie and thanks for the add. Happily accepted :)
diablo · 51-55, M
Jenna, that's wonderful. Then write a story as a tribute :)
JennaBug · 31-35, F
She would have Robert. She was such a lovely person.
sadie210 · F
wow... im sorry but i dont really think it means all that much to you at this point
JennaBug · 31-35, F
Aww DreamCandy. Thanks lovely :)
sadie210 · F
well im happy life is getting better for you
sadie210 · F
again, no problem

awwwwww so sweet.
sadie210 · F
thats extremely sweet
DreamCandy · 31-35, F
Awww 😢
JennaBug · 31-35, F
Yes Diablo, it is Mother's day here on Sunday.
Robert978 · 70-79, M
Beautiful sentiment. Your mom would have said the same thing reversed if you had died.