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I Want My Daughter to Succeed

But it can be hard getting out of her way. To me, she will always be the adorable little girl who I tended to spoil. I'm over protective and I know it but it is hard to make myself stop. Sometimes I think that by trying too hard to be a good parent I am becoming a poor one.
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ArthurP · 80-89, M
As the father of (now) middle aged and very successful daughters, i sympathise with your quandary. Watch your 18 old disappear into the departure hall of the international airport on a year's back-packing in foreign fields, when to the you have seen her and cared for her every day of her life, is heartbreaking. But the key thing is to suppress your protective urges until SHE realises how much she misses them. And she will, believe me!

The old adage : "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be." is trite but very true.
KayIsHere · F
As a daughter it mega awesome that you are at least aware that you are over protective!!!!!!!!! A thing more parents should know bout themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awee no its good you love your daughter :)
justbob · 61-69, M
@TryingtoLava I just want what is best for her but don't want to take away too much independence.
aprilmay · 22-25, F
You sound a little like my dad 🙄
Carazaa · F
She is blessed to have a Dad like you. Just don't worry about her, that's not healthy. And also believe in her and tell her you believe she can succeed in life. But if we spoil a child they become narcissisten so be careful! I think a child should not come between parents ever. Your first attention is towards your wife.
Peterhorn · 61-69, M
You are too hard on yourself. If you love her you won't go too far wrong

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