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I Got The Slipper At School

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Seven up!

Our gym mistress was a right dab hand with the slipper - it was an old plimsoll actually that was kept for the purpose of whacking the bums of naughty girls. Being quite naughty myself, I was a recipient of its sting quite a number of times during my schooldays.
One such occasion was when we had to come in early from hockey due to the weather and Miss told us to change and sit quietly. She went out for something and when she came back there was quite a din which caused us to get a right telling off. Miss then told us we were to sit in silence for the remainder of the lesson which was about 15 minutes. Anyone not so doing would get the slipper which she had thoughtfully brought out as a visual aid.
Now you would have thought that a simple task. But not for certain teenage girls, me included. Three of us started whispering when we thought Miss wasn't looking. Unfortunately the lady's antennae were well tuned that day and we were spotted.
"Out the front, you three!" snapped Miss, taking up the slipper. "Bend over Jennifer!"
I obeyed and felt a resounding WHACK to the back of my skirt which caused me to yell. I returned to where I was sitting with a pained expression and heat spreading in my bottom.
"Now you, Janet!" said Miss to my best friend whose bottom then received the same treatment. She took it stoically and sat beside me. "Ow!" she murmured.
"OK Tracy, your turn!" said Miss
Tracy took up the position with her somewhat plump bum pointing to the ceiling. I dunno whether she'd ever been whacked before - maybe not - but when Miss let fly with the slipper Tracy shrieked and literally jumped up holding her behind. Now the class found Tracy's performance funny and started to titter until quailed by a look from Miss. Unfortunately Janet and I continued to titter and broke out in a fit of the giggles, much to the exasperation of Miss, who had us out the front again and doubled the punishment with two whacks each.
After that any girl of sense with already well warmed bottom would have buttoned her lip and showed some sense, but not me at that age. I was sadly (much to the annoyance of my teachers) the eternal show off. I just couldn't get the image of Tracy hollering out of my mind and so, teenage hormones being what they were, the giggles came back.
The result was another summons from Miss to come out and touch my toes. She was obviously aware that a game was being played and was prepared to see it through. As I again viewed the floor from up close, I just couldn't believe I was n this position again. I had already had one and then two whacks of that wretched slipper but now she doubled again to four. That would make a grand total of seven!
"When will you learn girl?" said Miss, as she poised the slipper above my upended bum.
When indeed? But she was certainly intent on imparting another lesson! With my bum already stinging from the previous assaults I braced myself:
I'd held it together till now but the sting of the slipper brought tears to my eyes as the slipper descended again.
This really started the waterworks as my teenage bravado crumpled and I went back to my seat unable to keep back the tears. I noticed the other girls grinning and realised I'd made somewhat of a spectacle of myself as I sat uncomfortably on a bottom that felt as if you could fry an egg on it. With deflated ego I realised I'd played a game with Miss and lost all ends up.
One of those ends included my poor little bottom which had received no less than seven whacks. Today whenever I see a can of the drink named 'Seven-Up' it takes me back to that experience.
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MarySomerville · 46-50, F
a wonderful story and I can say that having had the slipper once at school I know what that feels like.
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MarySomerville · 46-50, F
@JoBlak yes however at schooI did get a couple of over the knee hand spankings one when I was 6 and the other at 14 plus the one my Mum gave me the moment I got home from that school spanking. Obviously I was spanked often at home but the one my Mum gave on top of the good spanking I got only 30 mins earlier at school was something that left me red for a very long time.
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MarySomerville · 46-50, F
@JoBlak Oh I had a god walloping from my Mum once she knew I had been given a good spanking at school when I was 14. The choice was to go over the deputy headmistresses knee and get a hand spanking or get suspended. I chose the spanking which was with the hand on the seat of my skirt but hard and long. I arrived home 20 mins latter only to get a good hiding across her knee on the bare bottom with her hand then her slipper which she lent down and removed whilst I was crying from the hand spanking which was making my bottom really sore, the slipper well that made me yelp on every application. My Mum let me off her knee after some time and I do not think I sat for a few hours. I spank my own and often think of that good hiding as I have one of mine across my knee smacking their bottom.
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MarySomerville · 46-50, F
@JoBlak I know many people say the same but it works in moderation.
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MarySomerville · 46-50, F
@JoBlak Yes you are right and that is why my husband and I are careful how we approach that. Abuse is not acceptable although there are some who confuse domestic spanking with abuse. I really respect you view . Thank you. Mary
MartinII · 70-79, M
@MarySomerville What had you done to earn the school spanking Mary? I guess it must have been quite serious if you might have been suspended.
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MarySomerville · 46-50, F
Yes here in the UK now the social services now even ask teachers to look out for signs of spankings, red bottom in the showers after a sports lesson or obvious signs of marks. We are careful not to be excessive.
MarySomerville · 46-50, F
@MartinII Ye went out of the school for an hour and skipped lessons
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Rebecca54 · 70-79, F
@MarySomerville I was caned for leaving school during a free study period. Truancy was always a caning offence - but that would have been 20 years before you were at school and times change
MarySomerville · 46-50, F
@JoBlak Yes it is
MartinII · 70-79, M
@MarySomerville @Rebecca54 Yes, that would have meant the cane at my boy’s school - whether at similar girls schools I don’t know. But as Rebecca says, times change.
MarySomerville · 46-50, F
@Rebecca54 was that on the hand ????
Rebecca54 · 70-79, F
@MarySomerville No that was my only 6 of the best across my bottom when I was 17.
MarySomerville · 46-50, F
@Rebecca54 Ohh wow that must have stung. How did you feel bending over and waiting for the inevitable ....tense and scared I should think. Sitting on a caned bottom must have created some difficulties.
Rebecca54 · 70-79, F
@MarySomerville Luckily we were always caned at the end of the day so that we could go home rather than back to class. I was first caned on the bottom at 14 - that time I remember being nervous but a little curious to find out what it was like as I had heard stories from other girls. At 17 I was angry with myself for being stupid and embarrassed to get the cane when I was a senior girl.
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Sharon · F
@JoBlak Ours were usually on the spot too, even in 6th form.
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mathsman · 70-79, M
How few people on the spanking sites are prepared to acknowledge that spanking can also be erotic