Brooksy · 41-45, M
@Serenitree, you know it. I'm going to look through your stories, but if you haven't done the "let me tell you about my username" thing, you should. I'm interested

I know what you mean with people getting the name wrong. One woman here persistently calls me Andy and that's made me consider a namechange too. :)
Brooksy · 41-45, M
@andyou, exactly! Username change was the one thing I liked for every morning when I log on. was the day
Jessa29 · 36-40, FMod
@Brooksy Just remember you cannot change this limitlessly, so please use it wisely :D
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
Brooksy is better I think. Hmmm, what should I change my name to?
Brooksy · 41-45, M
@Serenitree, Saffie and I will see what we can do! 😉
Brooksy · 41-45, M
@Saffie, I was wondering when I'd talk to you again

Lol yes! I'm getting to work on this now 🏃
Brooksy · 41-45, M
Haha! Yeah. To the point of frustration to the reader!
Enchanted · 56-60, F
@ Brooksy..Thankyou :)
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
Thank Brooksy but no thanks. Hahahah :p
Brooksy · 41-45, M
And I was all over it 😉
Brooksy · 41-45, M
😂 I'm used to it now, but every time someone called me Brook, a piece of me would die inside and I would think "But I'm not Brook Shat-len, I'm Brooks Hatlen"
Brooksy · 41-45, M
Duly noted. I'll annoy you then. I'll update my info later this morning.

No I try to leave the ones I like alone. Mine would be vague too, it's hard enough answering myself the reasons for me being online
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
OH Brooksy!!!
I prefer the change. The word "shat" sitting right in the middle of your previous username was just a little off-putting.
I prefer the change. The word "shat" sitting right in the middle of your previous username was just a little off-putting.
Brooksy · 41-45, M
@Jessa, indeed. Thank you. I think this is it though. I don't want to have to remember what my login info is 😉
Brooksy · 41-45, M
No, I haven't. FYI, I'm not gonna make my deadline. It's super busy at work, but I'd have it no other way.
Brooksy · 41-45, M
I can, if you want, but it'll hafta be vague. I agree though. I like your name.
I've been sitting here like "she swore I'd be annoyed by her notifications and I ain't got a one :-( "
I've been sitting here like "she swore I'd be annoyed by her notifications and I ain't got a one :-( "

😊 I like Brooksy better, I don't think I'll change mine. Are you going to fill out the about me section?
Enchanted · 56-60, F
I've had a couple usernames..but this one is so "me" won't change it unless I have to!

All good 😊 I never had a hope in making mine, but I did try.
Serenitree · F
Might as well, people have been calling you Brooksy anyhow. I like it.
Serenitree · F
@Brooksy. The story has been posted.

Aww thank you 😊 you can annoy me anytime you like. Should we make this interesting and see how can make the most vague or boring about me description?
Jessa29 · 36-40, FMod
@Brooksy Your welcome lol. :D
Brooksy · 41-45, M
I hope you don't. I like it. 😉
Brooksy · 41-45, M
Serenitree · F
Well it cant be any more boring than mine.
Enchanted · 56-60, F
*Like* ;)