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I'm Not Perfect

Nobody is perfect? What does that mean?
To me it translates to nobody can meet the endless desires and standards of all living beings, in all places, at the same time.
There are people who do meet the standards of their jobs and schools.
In fact, there are people who are overachievers and exceed expected standards.
There are people who perfectly meet some standards.
You may be different from the standards of A, B, or C.
When you don’t look, say, or act how others want you will be called a word to make you feel... not perfect, for them.
When someone doesn’t say or act as I find pleasing and safe I will also call them a word to describe them as not perfect... for me.
So you are perfect.
You are perfectly you, different from, but not lacking in relevance as a living being.
You may not be perfect in the preference of another.
You may not be perfect in my preference.
But that preference is irrelevant to your intrinsic worth as an individual.
A word that makes you feel bad inside, when you aren’t hurting anybody, is not the definition of who you are.
Just because you don’t do what someone wants, doesn’t make you less than, except in the opinion of the one who wants their desires met through you.
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lovingdead · 31-35, M
Perfections I assume brings forth images in your minds of
shinning lights and glimmering excellence.
perfection is said to be something without fault or flaws.
but what are flaws?
Are they what we see as undesirable? Or what we see as weakness?
Are flaws what others see and weakness or undesirable?
Who decides?
I ask you to envision the perfect person.
someone who can do ANYTHING.
(I assume they will have some/all the following traits)
Never afraid.
Always brave.
Never fails.
Knows everything.
Can’t get hurt.
Always strong.
Someone who sees only good.
Someone who always makes the right choice.
Sorry to tell you but you are WRONG
He who is never afraid, CAN’T be brave.
He who has never failed CAN’T learn anything new.
He who has never hurt CAN’T know their true strength.
If you see only good, then the right choice is made for you.
I have just explained things “your perfect person” CAN’T do.
Bravery comes from seeing the danger and facing your fears
Failure teaches you why you shouldn’t give up.
It takes more strength to pick yourself back up from a loss than it does to win.
People have said that perfections is not real, that it’s just an idea, a dream, an illusion.
And so to ANYONE who believes this I am sorry to inform you that you are wrong.
Perfection is real, flaws are the illusion.
How can something be a flaw if it is loved?
A perfect person is someone who has looked into the mirror
and seen their darkness, someone who confronts it, someone who continues on
every day. Someone who has fallen down, bled, cried, and screamed. Someone who
has made mistakes, someone who has loved, and who has hated. Someone with scars
and secrets, someone who can ask for help.
The thing that makes a perfect sunny day is the previous days storms.
What makes a perfect smile is the frowns that came before it.
Meeting a perfect person is acknowledging that it does NOT happen every day.
Perfect people are NOT loved by everyone, Perfect people are NOT immune to hate, Perfect people are NOT without doubt.
Perfect people ARE strong, Perfect people ARE afraid, Perfect people ARE fragile,
Perfect people CAN crack and break….
.....BUT Perfect people also put themselves/allow themselves to be put back together.
Flaws DON’T exist, people think of them as wrong, or as a weakness, as a deformity or disfigurement.
“The most perfect swan was the ugliest duckling”
 “To see the sunrise, you have to wait through the darkness”
“In order to have a rainbow, some stuff is going to have to get a little wet”
Just because people hurt you doesn’t mean you are weak, it
means you still care even after they stopped. It means when loyalty means more
to you than it does them, it means you are stronger than them.
 “If loving people was easy everyone would do it”
Mrblue · 36-40, M
Thank you. I love this. I once made a blog called "The unperfect perfectionist" (i purposely misspelled imperfect). because I always wanted everything to be perfect, but I know I can never be perfect. i have so many flaws :)

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