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I Love My Job

In 2008 I started playing an online game and soon started helping in the support chat. After a few weeks I was asked to apply for the position of chat mod and that was the start of a five year career.

Over time I got promoted to head of chat mods, supporter, head of support and eventually head of the English community. It was so versatile: maintaining the FAQ, training team members, investigating bugs, dealing with reports, streamlining feedback up and down the hierarchy, correcting translations, etc. And I considered it important to play the game and experiment with features to get to understand the game completely and chat with players to keep in touch with the community too. With such diversity I gladly spent 10 hours a day on it even without payment. I especially enjoyed digging through logs to find missing game money and such.

Sadly the system became too complicated for the programmers and after three updates with only premium features that were too expensive to be used, bug fixes that didn't work, free features that were removed a few hours later due to unsolvable bugs and many new bugs, I decided to quit because I just couldn't defend that anymore.

In the meantime the game has been closed, but I still miss that job. I've had two other volunteer jobs since, but not nearly as enjoyable as that one.
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Azuriela · 46-50, F
@gentle153 It is so admirable that you find joy in the hard work of helping others enjoy something. The other day on Imgur I saw someone post a confession that everything was negative in his life (relationships, finances, health) and that the only reason he did not commit suicide the previous night was because he felt he would level up in his game the next day. He wrote at the bottom of the confession that he expected to be made fun of for being a "nerd , freak, or pussy". He received 30 some comments in the next few minutes most of which expressed that the user had at some point in their life found the game they were playing to be the only positive thing that kept them going for a time in their life.
FreeInterpretation · 46-50, F
Sad but true. I find many good friends from online game better then forums like this. Not the forums, I'm just not good at writing. But I'm a pretty good rpg player and have good reputation there hehe.

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