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I Love My Job

I work in a grocery store and the thing you got to know about how they schedule is they base it on sales last year on the same day. Especially now that scheduling is done by a computer not by our head cashier. Yesterday my boss said he can't figure out why we been so overstaffed lately. I said don't you remember what happened last year at this time. Its when the states freaked out that food stamps maybe cut off and gave everyone their Feb food stamps. Hes like oh yeah that was a wild week. That was not an understatement
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PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
the thing is people in politics like your boss kind of drive me batty because Americas short memory is part of why we have the issues we do. I never got over the shutdown that really cratered the republicans reputation and lead to the "HOUSE OF TURDS" from the papers where alan grayson got on the senate floor and read polls to them and made obvious their reputation was less than dog poop.
Don't ever forgive or forget in politics.
foggymorning31 · 36-40, F
@PDXNative1986 the long shutdown during Obama's time yeah.
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
@foggymorning31 I never really did recover my respect for congress after that... I don't understand how so many of us forgot.
foggymorning31 · 36-40, F
@PDXNative1986 government shutdowns happened. Usually its cause Congress is controlled by one party and president is the other.

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