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Telepathy is real, a normal faculty

Telepathy, I learnt years back, is a normal faculty I believe many poses. It is similar to hearing or sight only it is a transmission mind to mind. Because I am telepathic, I've been forced to learn much about it. Here is one vivid experience I had that changed my understanding of a number of things.

Many years back, I used to cycle across our city to and from the university where I worked. One clear summer's afternoon, I started back home. There is a T junction in one road at which I turned into another road. This is a long slight downhill road, straight for over a kilometre, going into a gentle right curve then another short straight followed by a slight left to a bridge over a large river.

As I approached the first curve, I suddenly had a disturbing feeling and a voice in my mind said distinct, "There's going to be an accident."

Not a single car had passed me, nor was one even in sight in front or behind me. I checked that I was riding close to the edge of the tar then looked back again. At that, a red Toyota started to turn from the T junction into the road I was on.

"That car's going to have an accident," this voice clearly told me.

I made sure I was still at the edge of the road and again glanced back at the red car, it was the only vehicle in sight.

Again came that firm voice in my mind, "That car's going to have an accident."

I now felt alarmed, rode on more cautiously for a moment then checked to see where the car was. By then it was well through the T junction and a little distance down the straights towards me, but as I looked, for a third time, that distinct voice repeated, "That car's going to have an accident."

I kept riding cautiously on towards the bridge which now had come into sight. Another cyclist, a young man wearing a white shirt and grey flannel longs crossed the bridge and came riding toward me. The road has a cycle path on the opposite side from where I was riding. Its first on-ramp had a sharp step that could puncture a tyre so we all took a second on ramp some hundred metres on. At that, three cars came into sight crossing the bridge, the first was an old Hillman Minx. By now the feeling that there was about to be an accident was intense.

The cyclist reached me, he was riding hard, his shirt wet with sweat. As he was approached the second on-ramp. I saw the driver the Hillman, a really sour looking old woman. As she passed me, she hooted at him, stared at him, and shook her finger at him in righteous anger that he had not got off the cars’ road at the first ramp. An instant later, from behind me there was a violent crash as she slammed straight into the red Toyota!

Perhaps the Toyota, in turn, had moved out to pass me so was also at fault. I kept riding, too shocked to even look back. As I heard the cars impact, out the corner of my eye I saw the other cyclist turn safely onto the second on-ramp.

What happened here? How did I know there was to be this collision at least two minutes before it occurred? How did I have this increasing knowledge and sensation about it as I rode into then through the spot where it was to occur?

Is it possible that this whole event was orchestrated by demonic spirits? Having my unusually high receptiveness to telepathy, was there an epicentre of evil manipulating the drivers of these two car and I was simply picking up on its (their?) activities as I rode deeper into the epicentre? But then, both the other cyclist and I were part of this event so was I ‘hearing’ what was being planned for all four of us?

There obviously were some unseen - spiritual? - forces at play. I can find no other explanation than this evil locked onto these two drivers, numbing their minds, taking control of their actions, and creating circumstances and thoughts that drove them into the collision.

From that day, many years ago, I stopped believing that people have 'accidents'. I believe there are events orchestrated by evil (the devil, demon spirits, whatever) that cause these collision and other injuries that beset us.
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Penny · 46-50, F
I wouldn't call that telepathy. More like intuition or a premonition. Telepathy is communicating with someone in particular through transmission of thoughts mentally. What you heard wasn't coming from someone else rather than some unknown force of some kind.

I personally don't believe in demonic spirits in the sense that you've displayed, where they can orchestrate events. I do believe there can be such a thing as an evil spirit of a person, but that even then when they appear in your life it is only to teach you some kind of lesson. In any case maybe you were being warned by God or an angel somehow to be careful because there was going to be an accident. I am open to the idea of demonic possession, but even then I think it is God's will for us, whatever negative occurrence might happen because of it. Again perhaps to teach us a lesson or guide our lives somehow.
Qagidi · 51-55, M
@Penny Thank you for your response. This, and related topics, intrigue me so I am grateful to have others with whom I can discuss, debate, and share on the topic.

I suddenly discovered, much disruption in my life was caused by telepathy from others, and I had to learn to distinguish my thoughts from those of others. There's a lot I can say here, but let's stay with that incident.

You suggest those words coming to me were intuition or a premonition. Intuition is more like when you are good at mechanical things, something goes wrong with your car, you look at and easily realise the what is wrong.

Premonition falls into a very different category. It starts by asking the question, from whence could this knowledge come? The only answer I have here is it come from another intelligence, I can't imagine it is just floating around in the air.

Those four times that voice spoke to me were clear, albeit into my mind. They were as clear as if someone had spoken aloud into my natural ears. If you look at the entire episode, it was like a game being played out. Malicious entities were having a game of, "Let's see if we can cause a crash. Now, you on the bicycle watch this!"

Following an amazing experience in my life, I was landed into preforming exorcisms in a group. We were working among murderers, violent criminals, gangsters, people who stab a person then rob them. Nice guys! However, we were shown through prayer there was demonic possession. We prayed against the demon(s) possessing the person following which here was a total, instantaneous and permanent transformation of personality to him/her having a wonderful personality.

Though I'm not a psychologist, I have always been intrigued with what makes us tick and have studied it in depths. Using psychology, it would take extended time to bring about this transformation, if ever the therapist succeeded. Yet with exorcism in was instantaneous. From this, I accept these vile spiritual entities do exist.

Yes, Penny, I do agree with you God let it happen to me, AND I was protected. So easily I could have been a mangle part of the horrific crash. And, yes again, I did learn from it, not just one thing, but a lot.

Look forward to chatting more.
Penny · 46-50, F
@Qagidi I suggest you look up the definitions of the meanings of those words. I still don't subscribe to the idea that there is such a thing as malicious entities. Of course people can think this way but it would still be superstition, not based on any facts. I don't believe God is some hippy dippy happy dappy do gooder who would never allow a fly to be harmed though as many people do.
Qagidi · 51-55, M
@Penny I did look them up in the Oxford dictionary before I wrote: "Intuition - ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning: we shall allow our intuition to guide us A thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning"

Premonition only has a vague "Forewarning" which obvious offers no explanation as to its origin.

If you are a Christian, you will have read in your Bible how Jesus spoke much about demons and exorcism. There's the one about an exorcised demon going off and finding seven worse than itself. This demonstrates it was an entity with intelligence to take decisions. There also is the one of the many demons pleading with Jesus who commanded them into the herd of pigs. Again showing an intelligence.

As I understand it, Satan's greatest defence is to get people to deny him and his fellow workers. This gives him free rein to attack all he wants with us blithely denying their existence.

This event happened years back, I have given it much thought trying to find explanations for it all. At the time I was agnostic (prepared to believe in God, but could find no evidence of him, or any spiritual realm), but this totally blew my beliefs! These were intelligent and accurate statements, the same as if you were riding with me and told me something you had planned - so clear, so decisive.

THE question is, from what intelligence could this knowledge come? Whether or I like it, my explanation is the only one I can find that fits all the pieces of the puzzle.
Penny · 46-50, F
@Qagidi what's missing is who your "intelligence" or "telepathic communication" came from. It very well could have been an angel or a demon warning you for whatever reason. A premonition is a feeling that something is going to happen before it does. (Regardless of what it is that makes you think it.) Intuition is having a feeling something is going to happen, in this case, because you heard in your subconscious mind that there was going to be an accident. Telepathy is between individuals. It could be expanded perhaps if you were to consider an angel or a demon or God himself an individual, but the technicality is there. So, either it was your personal intuition or you were telepathically communicated to by an unknown force. I don't believe in Satan as a physical entity. The bible speaks in riddles and stories. If you want to take it literally, I would be wary of going around telling people your story lest you be thought insane or mentally ill or even land yourself committed in a psychiatric ward drugged against your will. I mean, sure, it's a cool experience, I do believe telepathy exists for my own reasons, but as far as all accidents being orchestrated by demons. (And of this you are absolutely sure... sounds pretty cuckoo.) Just warning you not to get too carried away with your experience. Using words like intuition and premonition are much safer.

eta- the story about Jesus casting your "demons" into pigs the way I read it was he called them "unclean spirits". there is no definition of what an unclean spirit is. so to equate them with demons may not be right.
Qagidi · 51-55, M
@Penny The more "western cultured" a society a society is, the more they reject what physical sciences are unable to describe in these physical terms. I was a counsellor, parapsychologist, outside of my work hours, for many years in Africa. We used to have monthly sessions with the Prof of the local University to keep us up to speed. One day I asked him what he could tell us about telepathy. He stumbled and stuttered around, but never answered me. The following month we were told that only people who are psychotic, schizophrenic, or on drugs hear voice in their heads. On another occasion I was with a group of ten psychologists, all recent graduates, and ask them about telepathy. They all looked blankly at me and asked, "Is there such a thing?"

Hahaha. As I've mentioned, I am very sensitive to telepathic reception. I can't help it, nor stop it, it's exactly the same as telling you not to hear noises with your physical ears. The fact they can't dissect a brain and say, "Oh look, here's a little two-way radio", they reject it. Out of body experiences become even more upsetting to them. Despite this, many people have both experiences that can be proven. Though the typical response is to refute it.

Among other things I'm a biometrician, econometrics in particular. My life revolves around the analysis of facts. If something can't be proved to a high degree of probability, keep studying it until it can be, or reject it.

The problem with these abstract issues like telepathy and OBE's is we can't just run a neat little trial. Albeit I've had all these experiences, they are not under my control. I can't set up a trial and run it. I know there have been trials with identical twins, but results come out as 'inconclusive', or the 'results were promising'. Immediately we depart from physical sciences, we are straight into this zone of 'reject it if we can't explain it'.

Now we come to my story, the instantaneous character inversion to the good with exorcism, taking literally what Jesus said, and many other examples, and we are way out into the zone of 'psychotics, schizophrenics, and druggies'. We can't even start to explain it so reject it.

Stephen Hawking vacillated with believing God exists, couldn't get his maths to prove it, so concluded there is no God. He, though I do believe, remained more agnostic then atheistic. At one time I thought quantum physics may hold mathematical hope, but it too appears to be based on what can be physical sciences can present.

I note your concern about being classed as cuckoo, but as you've just read, I've already been there lol. I definitely never touch drugs so, yeah, maybe I'm a nutto. As a research worker, when I see an abundance of evidence that can't proven, I cannot reject it, but need to collate it, discuss it with others, and try to go where comfortable knowledge doesn't exist.
Penny · 46-50, F
@Qagidi yes. lol. i think telepathy is in the area of extrasensory perception or psychic communication. i imagine impossible to nail down with science. i would love to hear your experience with demon possession. i don't really think demons have any power to control this world, but then of course I could be wrong. It might explain a lot of the bad that happens in this world. (nothing truly bad exists in my little world except occasionally uncooperative people or people in a bad mood lol except maybe illness or whatnot although I do think we could get sick sometimes for a reason) I had thought once that I was born demon possessed (carried over from a past life) but was relieved of that in later years by the spirit of Jesus. I wonder what the truth of that is. (I am actually diagnosed schizo-affective which is schizophrenia mixed with bipolar. It is well-controlled by meds now.) So of course i just think I was probably crazy thinking when I thought that. Having trouble remembering the particulars of the matter. But of course it could also be true, so I don't know. Most likely it probably is not true lol.
Qagidi · 51-55, M
@Penny I am concerned we are telling too much of our personal lives on open comments. I'd like to tell you another incident, but it goes deeper into my personal life than I'm comfortable telling here. I'll post it to you as a letter. It may take me a day or two to write it as I don't get much time to write here. Are you okay for me to write emails to you??